Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday 30 November 2023

November round up

Having been good for a few months with my craft purchases, I have gone a bit mad this month, almost everything purchased is for projects, so they should be used in the coming weeks. £17.29 was for needle felting needles. Garden is never a huge spend at this time of year, and with the refit, there is very little I want, I did get my rhubarb crown. I still have a garden centre voucher and some more birthday money, which I can use once everything is done.

We did purchase a new Christmas jumper each, mine is years old, and we had a do which required such jumpers, nothing else. I have had my eyes tested and the cost of new glasses, which can't be helped. 

We spent a bit more this month, but we have now finished the few Christmas gifts we give, most of the grandsons get money, we don't keep up with their taste as they live so far away. As for Black Friday (which last for weeks) passed us by, nothing purchased, nothing wanted.

We have increased our standing order for gas and electric this month, it's crazy how much power is still costing us. Our heating is on, but we are being careful not to boost it so much. 

No food waste, as always being really good on what we purchase and ensuring it's all used up, I have stocked up again, in hope we can avoid all the madness of shopping in December. 

I've lost a few pounds this month, all due to the bugs I've had, steps are averaging just over 6000 each day. 


  1. Glasses can be a big expense. Luckily, I only need reading glasses at the moment, I go to Specsavers so that I can get 2 for 1, it's handy having a spare pair.

    1. I now need bifocals, so that cost extra, I also get their 2 for 1 price, it is handy to have a spare pair.

  2. I'm so glad I did my shopping while I was out at my dental checkup yesterday as it means I can avoid the shops today. With snow and sleet forecast on the Essex coast it will be crazy. Mild and bread will be no more!!!

  3. We buy our glasses online. I have single vision and my husband has varifocals.

    1. I did that once, but I do like to try on the frames first.

  4. I liked your comment on Black Friday nothing wanted. Makes you sound very contended, well done.

  5. I will be getting new lenses in January just to spread the costs out a little bit.

    God bless.

  6. Like you we didn't purchase anything in the Black Friday sales.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan



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