Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween

Good start to the weekend
we were given so fresh eggs
my tea is blackberry and elderflower by Taylor's
It must be getting cooler
both cats are using their baskets
they started using them again this week,
A bit more time for stitching
It is coming along well, 
It takes loads of time when filling the whole canvas with stitches
This will be a cushion on our sofa.
Win is still doing well, I have not seen her for a couple of days, her family have been visiting, but hope to get in to see her over the weekend.
We are home with no plans, hubby is a bit house crazy, so a trip out is called for, I would like to go to B&Q, and get pansies, they are much cheaper for bedding plants, and if I choose well I will have some nice flowers over the coming months. Plus hubby will have a wander around the place. We also require a new wok, we have a non stick one, had it for years, and it's starting to stick. I used to have an iron wok, which I had to oil all the time, but it was heavy to use.
Later when the rugby is on, I will get out my sewing machine, I have a small repair to do and I want to make a couple small Christmas items.
This evening daddy is bringing Sam around in his Halloween costume, so we will ensure I have a few things hanging around the front door and have sweets and cake.
Tomorrow time with Su, another wedding fayre, she has booked almost everything for her and David's day, but it will be nice to spend time together.
Fliss is in Yorkshire this weekend, a family weekend meeting loads of new people.

Thursday 29 October 2015

In the rain

These came home with me last Sunday
I have not had chance to get them in the pots yet
it's on my list for this weekend, get my spring pots done
 It's raining, these still look beautiful
my garden is still full of colour
 Cosmos as well, these blooms are huge. 
 Garden looking good, leaves from next door falling onto our lawn
The Magnolia leaves are still on tight. 
 Purdy crashing the photo's, loads of colour outside the back door.
 We made this mound last night, hubby found a hedgehog fast alseep in his garage, nice and dry but not the best place for him, so we laid straw in this corner by the greenhouse, popped him on top, no he did not wake up and then loads of straw on top, we will add leaves from the Magnolia as they drop. 
Hopefully he's in a safe spot. 
 Not had much stitching time this week, 
which gives me time to think about the design of the center squares. 
 But I finished this book as my October read. 
Win has had her operation and is recovering well, she has had a plate fitted, and they hope to have her out soon, a couple of weeks in a hospice and then she will stay with family. We don't expect to see her home before Christmas. She is a fighter and still very strong.
Hubby had a letter from the tax man, who says he has underpaid by just under £1,000, not the sort of news we wanted now he has finished work and before the expense of Christmas, we will pay it monthly, just over £70, it's alot of extra money to find.
I have done nothing on the wedding cards, daughter is happy to wait until the menu is set, I am beginning to think about my Christmas cards, I have a few ideas floating about, I am going to keep it simple this year.
We are having a simple night in, I have been to the hospital most nights this week, but Win has her niece with her today, so I can relax at home. I have a few more things to add to my phone now I have it fixed and back.
Sam and Josh are at a firework display tonight, it's at the Navy base where Fliss and I work, they have a big display each year, it keeps lightly raining, but they are wrapping up warm. Fliss wants to drive past the section where they repair the helicopters, they have loads of different sizes in and Sam will love seeing them.
So I am having a much better week, work is going well again, so much easier when everyone is in, we do love to have a laugh through out the day.

Monday 26 October 2015

Oh bloody hell

It's been a full on couple of days, Yesterday was Sam's birthday, he loved his present from us, a skip lorry with two skips, for a little lad who want's to be a builder when he grows up (I know) it was perfect. Later we went to see him and 11 friends run around like 5 year old's should, then on to Asda. Not too bad you say. This being the only photo I got of him, too fast any where else in the play area.
We got home late afternoon needing a rest to our neighbour looking very white faced on our door step, Win next door had a tumble and was on the ground in pain, hubby has loads of first aid experience and was checking she was not too bad. 30 mins later the ambulance arrived and she was taken into A&E, she has fractured her hip, so I spent all last evening with her.
She had her operation today and I will pop back in later, her nephew is not local, so we like to help, and as you may all know we love Win, in 6 weeks she will be 101 years old, she is independent, quick and witty, so it caused us all suffering to see her. 
Today at work just four of out of an eight person team, so pretty stretched, two of the team thought it was a good day to ask silly questions all day, things they should be able to sort for themselves.  but today they needed my input, plus a huge problem with two suppliers who both wanting paying for gas at the same property. So I am tired, no Knack*r*d is a truer definition, roll on bed time. 
We don't get to many days like these, thank goodness, tomorrow my partner in crime is back in the office, so we can have a giggle about everything.
Happy news my mobile phone is fixed, will get it back tomorrow, I have missed all the features on it. 
At Asda I managed to get a couple pair of trousers for work and at £16.00 each a much better price. We also got a few more things for Christmas.
I have been knitting a few more Christmas puddings, I have to make the felt leaves and then sew on the berries. I also want to get out the sewing machine I have a small Christmas cushion to make up. 
Busy all round. 

Saturday 24 October 2015

See what I've made

We made Sun-dried Tomato and Parmesan bread
we cheated and used a mix, 
but added loads of chopped sun-dried tomatoes
For lunch I had a couple of warm slices with Brie
 It's growing
 I think we might just be there
this is a mock up invitation, once confirmed as OK
I will have to make them with all the care I can find. 
It's been a busy day, morning at hairdressers then popped into town, which was busy, we got a couple of Christmas presents, and most of what I required. Hubby made comment a couple pairs of my work trousers were not as smart as they could be, so I looked for two new pairs. I came home with none, I had two choices of style, most were thin at the ankle, which makes my bum look big in them, or there was nylon old ladies style with elastic on the waist. Now I am closer to old lady than young woman, but really, what happened to the lovely styles for ladies of a certain age, I did find one pair in M&S, Per Una at £49.00, tad too much for me. I will have to stay wearing my skirts. My 2 pairs of shoes cost me £16.00 for the heals to be replaced, cheaper than new shoes, but again rather more than I expected.
Hubby is watching the rugby, no shouts from the living room so he must be agreeing with the ref in the match. I have been working on my 2015 book, I am behind with it, but then again there is no rush to get it done.
Tomorrow Sam is 5 years old, we will see him at his party at a local kids function/play themed fun factory. How quick the time is going, 6 weeks time we will be sorting all the decorations for Christmas.
I have joined 12 days of Christmas hosted by Jo at The Good Life, we swap 12 parcels for Christmas gifts, at max £2 per item, I have 10 so far for my swap, it's fun. I am also doing a Christmas card only swap with Amy at Love made my home, I don't normally join swaps.

Friday 23 October 2015

No witty title today, mental block

The window sill is a bit of a let down
African violets really need potting on
The Coleus has just been planted, taken from garden before the frost comes.
The acorns are cracking, would love to see some growth
 This tiny chillie is doing well
I don't eat them but hubby does
I have loads of photo's today of flowers in the garden much the same as I blogged last week, the mild weather is good for the blooms. We had rain earlier in the week, 1st time in ages, so it helped the garden, I hope another hour outside this weekend will keep it looking tidy. Our raspberries have loads of green new growth, and the strawberries are swelling, how mad is that for October. I am going at the weekend to purchase one plant in bloom to help with my winter colour, our garden is bare from November to March, except for a few tubs.  We were given this chrysanthemum last year, lovely to see new flowers. The acer behind is stunning.  
On other thoughts
My spending chart shows September was a good month, I only purchased card for daughter's wedding invites, nothing on stitching, sewing or garden, October is much the same, it's also handy to see when I spend for each hobby, I can also see the one off purchase I made, I am pleased I have cut back my spending and am now keeping my stash at a manageable amount.
As it gets cooler I am also changing what I wear each day, my wardrobe is holding up for winter clothes and I now don't often wear my beloved sandals. My winter shoes and boots are out again and other than a trip to have a couple of pairs re healed, I should not require much new this winter, but I will always love a bargain if I see one.
Hubby is doing great with home cooked meals, he loves to cook and does not use any pre-made items other than stock cubes, most days I take leftovers for lunch. I have not had bread since last weekend and then only a slice of home made, I wish I could say my weight was looking better, I really must make an effort to get walking, I promise I will get out after work, then I come home get on here, and never go out at all. I am a lazy home person, and my stitching keeps me busy, it's a poor excuse.
We booked a man to clean our cooker and he did not turn up, I like to have it done each year, just to ensure the hard to reach bits are done, this week hubby had a go, and now we have a shining cooker, it is never too bad, we clean as we go, but he did a great job, nice surprise to come home too, can I suggest he has a go at the top of the kitchen wall cabinets!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

On fire

I have had serious amounts of stitching time over the weekend
hubby watched Rugby matches and I stitched
 Each square a complete work on their own
 I'm building the colours as I go.
 Not quiet half way through
I love the colours on here, all right for this time of year, I started this on 10th August, so this is two months stitching. In a couple of weeks the last part of Carrie Rose will be published, so I will have a weeks break, not that I need a break I love this. I am still building colours, and have one last decision to make. 
Su and I have been looking at the design of her wedding cards tonight, she won't have the full menu for another week, so everything is on hold, there is little to do, but I will wait just in-case any of it changes. Each time we get together we are a step closer to finishing them. My office is covered in glitter.
Hubby cooked lambs liver and bacon for tea and added a few extra items, one being a small pepper which was with the last of the root veg from our garden. A huge shame, it was a chilie, which I hate, so instead of a lovely tea, I had a meal I did not enjoy, he has promised he won't mess we such an iconic dish next time. 
The Midwife's Confession by Diane Chamberlain, is turning into a good book, has me thinking on whats going to happen next, she has a very nice style of writing. 
Now off to relax before bedtime. 

Monday 19 October 2015

Sunday afternoon

We had Sunday lunch out just on the edge of Fareham creek
 It was much brighter than shown here
The water calm, loads of swans and other birds.
This is tidal so we were lucky not to be looking out onto mud
 New Place, Shirrell Heath, I love these gates
 Such a beautiful building, I love red bricks
perfect for a wedding
 From the back courtyard
The hotel is stunning and the grounds huge and lovely. Every thing is booked, just menu's to be sorted, out side of Fareham, a nice country location.
Su will pop in later this week and sort of the final printing for the invitations, I have to make templates and cut all the different sized cards. Other than the printing I have everything we require, so they should all be finished by Friday.
I broke my drink free October, we had a glass of champagne on arriving at the hotel and without thinking I took one. Later at our meal I realized what I had done, oh well,  will stay dry for the rest of the month.
I picked up Josh and Sam from school, school had another parents evening, so they had tea with me and I was lucky enough to be able to put Sam to bed, Josh again had a good report, he was a bit worried with his math's but his teacher is happy, Sam is just too cute and everyone loves him, both were good boys.
Hubby is driving back from Somerset, he has had time with Logan and Finn and will be home much later, I'm off to read my book,  I am tired, bad night last night, so no stitching.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Working Saturday

Colours are growing
I had loads of stitching time yesterday,
 we stayed up later watching a film
and as always I stitched.
This part of the design is simple
It's mid October and look what's in the garden
 Loads of berries, my mum said it was always a sign of a hard winter coming, 
nature always takes care of it's own.
The beautiful leaves turning on my blueberry plant.
 Then we have things which should not be here, Primroses.
We think the foxes are getting into the back garden, 
this is a good sign of them being here, foxes urine always kills grass, but mad cat woman next door feeds them in her front garden, so at this point we do not have any solutions, any suggestions. 
It's a dull day and rather cool, so after a quick walk to the local shops for just a few items, I went out into the garden. Hubby went off on his motorbike to meet with friends, I have cleared the small raise veg garden, the crops this year are all small, but I harvest some baby carrots and baby beetroot and a few parsnips. The leeks are doing well, I wish I had planted more. I have planted onion sets for over winter. I still have loads of bulbs to plant my my pot's still look good.
The greenhouses have been emptied of all the summer growing things, now one has my suculants, alpines and a few summer plants inside, these will stay in here to the spring. In the second, which is in a warmer spot, I still have one chili plant, I have put my small lemon and lime plants in, I need to get hubby to move my Olive plant in there as well.
I have also started too pack away my garden art these go in my shed. I am leaving out a few alpines, mainly the ones with good drainage, they don't mind the cold, but hate their roots in water, so my dish will be out where I can see it all winter. I have a few smaller plans, mainly to move some of my fruit tubs further back in the garden, and bring my Acer back onto the decking, but hubby has a sore back so this can wait for now.
I have finished for today, I am starting to ache, so a really nice late lunch, shower then maybe another film and loads of lovely sewing for me.
Tomorrow we are out for a Sunday lunch and off with daughter and future SIL, the afternoon is all about weddings.

Friday 16 October 2015

Slow down

Looking good and stitching quickly
I am switching the colours at every stage, 
I don't want to let this get messy, 
I am trying to reuse colours from the outer boarder. 
I intend to stitch all 11 outer boxes and then when I have sorted those colours 
 stitch the interior patterns. 
Christmas Cake
Dried fruit soaking up fresh juice from a large orange and two lemons
I use the same recipe each year, no booze at this stage
the heat in the oven evaporates it. 
It will be cooked tomorrow
 Last night hubby and I played,
 no sorry I mean put together this truck for Sam's birthday
he's going to be a builder when he grows up
I can't believe it's Friday again, how quickly the days pass, another stay at home weekend. I need to get into the garden, sort my green houses and start moving in pots, this lovely weather can't last and I really don't want to be caught out.
Sunday we are going to the venue chosen by daughter and her other half for their wedding next April, it's booked but they wanted to show us so we get a feel for the place, David's parents are coming as well, so a nice small trip out. I hope to finish the wedding invitations as well, we have changed the RSVP from a postcard to a small card, so I need to find small envelopes and re-size card to fit.
Nothing else planned, catch up on sleep, rest and relax. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Quick meal

Maliee Quiche
4 eggs
1 onion
chopped bacon
4oz flour
1/2 pint of milk
Lightly fry the bacon and onions drain and cool
mix milk , flour and eggs
add other ingredients
place in greased 7" oven dish and bake
med heat for 40 minutes
You can add any other ingredients.
I don't often cook, but this is a good standby, no pastry to make, very quick and cheap, great if suddenly you have extra people for your meal. I cooked it using gluten free flour, so Fliss could have some, hubby is a way for a few days so I could add cheese. I added mushrooms and tomatoes, as the quiche cooks the edge forms a bit like pastry, so simple and quick. It's a shame I can't add smell, the house was full of warm cheesy smells, we had baby potatoes and salad with it and some left over for lunch today, bliss. 
My sewing is coming along well, 
I am loving stitching this design again,
I love my work when it looks like patchwork, this is so tiny and neat. 
I have another book to read
We popped for a walk
Lee on the Solent, we have not been here for a while
nice to see so many people catching the sunshine.
You can't see but the water was busy as well.
I picked up Sam and Josh from school, we had a pillow fight on my bed, it now looks a wreck, but so much laughter and fun, the boys are very different to each other, but get on well together, I really love Tuesdays.
We have done more to the wedding cards, other cards has been created, one is mirror card with hotel details on the back, we have a white card which will be RSVP and a final top navy card with the Wedding Invitation logo. Just a couple of tweaks and they will be designed, then all I have to do is make loads of them.
The house is quiet, I'm home alone,  hubby is at my brother Martin's house for a couple of days. 

Monday 12 October 2015

Craft time

This is the base card of daughters wedding invitations
The design is loads of cards, each slightly smaller than the last
different types of card for each, with a nice band to hold them together
 One of the layers is a silver mirror card, 
I can only get a mixed A4 packet with gold card as well
Typical having to buy  something I don't need
So I have been thinking about Christmas cards and how I can use some of the gold card, I think our cards this year will have this 'Merry Christmas' on, it does look good. I also love 'Tis the Season'
 I love this night time shape, it did not look good in gold, so I pulled out the pale blue, I also have loads of Navy card, I had to buy online to get the dark navy we wanted, so extra has been purchased just in case. I can cut 6 from an A4 card.
 Josh wanted some cards for Rugby
these are ready for him to add names for his dream team
these will keep him happy for hours
 Stitching time
 After stitching this much, I am pleased 
I think it will look really good in the middle. 
Not much to say, Saturday was great,the day at home crafting, hubby made a wonderful home made fish pie (left overs for lunch today).  Sunday, well it started bad and then got worse, not going into a rant on here, but every thing I touched went wrong, plus the screen on my smart phone stopped working, just as I wanted to use an apt, which is only on the phone, anyway I used the situation to practice some swear words, didn't change anything, but I felt better.
Work today was busy we are now 6 people in an office for 8, so busy times.


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