Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 10 November 2023

Another week

On my desk these three pots of succulents are all doing well, the back triple pot have been grown in the greenhouse, I'm hoping they survive in here. The front two were tiny when I got them over two years ago, they have just been watered, so looking plump.
I have shown this Albuca sprialis frizzle sizzle many times, again plenty of new growth, I do love to have plants on my desk, it's a sunny spot. Behind is my new poppy, it's huge and catches the light, it's leaded glass and made locally. 
My thanksgiving cactus is getting busy again, loads of buds, I had a few flowers not so long ago, so I'm really happy to see it's about to bloom again, this sits on my bathroom window sill, a sunny spot, but not necessary a warm spot.  
Our beautiful acer, everyday the colour improves, I don't think it has ever looked this good, normally by now the tree should be bare, the warm wet autumn has ment its kept it leaves, and the colour is the best ever.

Wednesday was very wet, it rained all morning until mid afternoon, I worked for the morning in the craft shop, it's market day in the village, I think the weather kept all the people at home, Sarah got loads of paperwork done, which is the point of me working. Later I did more of my blanket squares, I am enjoying knitting them, but I must pick up my green cardigan again. Hubby did another trip to the tip, he had the wood which made up the smaller planter by our back door, he does love to see everywhere clean and tidy. 

Thursday a day at home, much needed housework was done, a neighbour popped in for coffee and a chat, and then knitting, I do live an exciting life, not! but I'm happy. Hubby made a delicious lemon drizzle cake, which will last us ages.

Christmas cakes have had their first drink of brandy, the house smelt of brandy, so I had to light a candle, can't have people thinking I am a morning drinker. George's book arrived and we are very pleased with it, he has a couple of other small items, all ready for his birthday soon. Everything is ticking along nicely, I had my annual blood test for my pre-diabetic check up, will have results next week.  

Thank you for all my birthday wishes, I am truly blessed with a loving family and great friends, and never forgetting my darling hubby, who after 39 years together, still makes me laugh and surprises me, and never runs away when I say 'I have and idea'.


  1. I do like succulents - such forgiving plants and so easy to propagate. You have a nice life:-)

    1. I have never had a potted succulent grow. Not for lack of trying. They seem to have a discussion on the way home: "this is it mates! No one gets out of this alive!" They choose a quick dying over a protracted agony. I am sure that the dying has begun before I remove them from the car.

  2. The stained glass caught my eye this morning-glass is my favourite art medium. Amazing acer-they really are stunning trees/plants. Catriona

  3. What a beautiful stained glass Poppy.

    God bless.

  4. The glass poppies are really lovely, I'm very fond of stained glass. And that acer - oh my word, what a gorgeous colour.

  5. Your acer is beautiful ...
    Have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. What a lovely post. Sounds like life is unfolding as it should for you. Your acer is gorgeous, and love to see all your indoor plants.



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