Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Sunday 19 November 2023

Going to pot

I do love a nice plant pot, and if its silly, quirky or strange, then I want it. This trio sit on our woodburner in our sitting room, the little man is an egg cup, but perfect for my brain succulent. Will, our grandson gave me the spaceman, which looks great with this succulent in.
Bette had her hair cut back, I put new soil in and now it's a case of letting the string of pearls grow, it's never been a complete success,  but I'm still trying to achieve a full head of hair. The sunglasses, which I ended up with, caught in a scam a couple years ago, finishes her off, she is sat in a sunny spot.
On my kitchen window sill, both these pots were gifts to me, my family and friends know my taste. I also have a white bird, which is in the greenhouse for now.
Outside this chicken was a watering can, hubby popped a few holes in the bottom and it works as a pot, in the summer the plant engulfs the pot.
Never forgetting Kurt, he has had new hair this summer, soon I will move him to a sheltered spot, most winters his hair dies, the pot does get water logged, I will watch and hopefully get his hair to survive.
My final pot shown here, looks like a thimble, given to me by a friend, makes a perfect pot for my knitting and crochet bits, a better use than a plant pot, everything in one place. My needle felting lady and cat finish this corner of my shelf in the office.

This is my make me smile post, we have been away for the weekend, and as you are reading this we will be driving home or even back at home, depending on the time. Just two nights away, in a hotel in Weston-super-mare, which was our home town for 9 years when our girls were at school, hubby has met up with loads of men he served in the Welsh Guards with, I've been chatting with their partners, the reunion took over the whole hotel for the weekend. I took a book and yarn to start knitting another pair of socks, but it was so much fun, I did not have time to start either. 

We decided not to visit family this trip, I have a busy 4 weeks ahead, lot's booked in to do, so coming back home sooner will give us time together before our busy period. It's that time of year, not called the silly season for nothing.


  1. What a delightful post! Love all your quirky pots. They make me smile also.

  2. That's a quirky set of plant pots. It's good to have things that bring a smile.

  3. I too love quirky pots... I have one that is just a face and another that is a little guy standing up... I put some fake greenery in both of them for hair for the winter... but have plans for some really odd grasses next Spring.

  4. I do love your quirky pots. I think my favourite is the spaceman but I love Kurt and Bette too. Sounds like you had a fab weekend.

  5. I do like your quirky pots.
    Sounds like you've enjoyed a lovely weekend away.
    Wishing you a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  6. You really do have some amazing pots. Love them.

    God bless.

  7. Your pots are really fun and I love that you name some pots and plants. Glad that you had a good time over the weekend in Weston-Super-Mare. have a good week.



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