We have had a great weekend, Fliss, Steve and the boys popped in on Saturday afternoon, Josh was very entertaining, Sam slept the whole of the visit, so no cuddles. Fliss is looking well and losing weight.
Su and Gav came in the evening for tea and to watch X Factor, we all love this programme.
Sunday Kev and I spent the day together at home, relaxing.

I managed to do some craft, I have more christmas puddings, and gained another fan, Gav's sister has placed a request for some, I think it's best not to pack my knitting needles away yet, I think the beads I am using at the moment make them look so good, I will have to get some more.
I also tried a beading pattern from a mag, it's so easy, which it has to be I am a novice with beads. The beads used are Swarovski, I can't remember the size, these were left over from Su's
wedding dress I have made 3 so far, but need to make a couple more. I want to add a halo, and a hanging ribbon. The design does not add features to the face, which is good, I'm not good at faces. The pearl bead is from a bracelet I no longer wear.

I have nothing planned for this week, today I want to do housework and ironing, boring I know, but it's great once it is done, the rest of the time is craft time, I have loads to finish to wrap for christmas. I also want to spend time with Fliss in the day, I am feeling well enough to drive again.
I am also planning to start my cross stitch family sampler, I have not planned all the designs, I do like to add as I go along, I have the basic design worked out, with a patchwork block in each corner. I have also decided on the centre alphabet design.
On 24th of November I start 3 weeks of radiotherapy, which is much better than chemo, but still tiring, hence starting my sampler. So all my treatments will be over by christmas, much earlier than I thought.