Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 6 November 2023

Autumn colours

Strawberries in November, I'd like to say this is unusual, but it happens most years, they won't get much bigger or ripen, but it's always nice to see flowers. My tower is in it's temporary home beside the garage at the end of the path, it's in our way, but once everything is sorted, it will go to it's final home, sad fact is as yet I have no idea where to put it, best spot is next to the fence where we have had rats come into our garden, so not there. 
I always think the blueberry bushes are stunning at this time of year, the leaves always give so much colour, there are two plants in here, they fruit one early and one later, giving us a longer season, and no glut. I have cut back a third of the plant, all old wood, the berries grow an second years growth. 
I love this trio of acers, they work well here, each plant has a different colour leaf, they are inter wound together, and makes a wonderful display, this spot suits them very well, sunshine up to mid afternoon, and total shade from the wind. Next spring I will trim them back in hope I can keep them in this spot for longer, they all grow at about the same rate. 
This small tree is amazing, it's years old, it was a twig when I purchased it, now it's almost to the top of the 6 foot fence, I love the way it has branches and leaves to the very bottom, this photo does not show all the true shades of red and green, when the breeze moves the leaves it's breathtaking. This marks the end of our garden and the start of the paving along the boundary fence, we love seeing this area from the sitting room. 

The garden is looking good for November, I'm picking up leaves most days, nothing much else to do. The veg beds are doing good, I cut back the gladiola leaves from the flower bed in front, so now we can see through to the veg beds, I am loving the view from the house. Most of my beds are too small for summer and winter plants, but I'm happy to see the garden in it's sleep mode. 

Friday we popped to Dunelm, we needed a new kitchen bin, hated the cheap ones, others were very expensive, so hubby agreed to look online, we got a nice small suitcase for me, we have two weekends away soon. Went into Home bargains and found a perfect kitchen bin at a price we liked, also got the last bits off my Christmas list. I passed by all the decorations, some are beautiful, but not needed.

Saturday, hubby was home alone, so loads of laundry was done, the day was bright and breezy, and sudden heavy storms, hubby made the first batch of mince pies, a real treat. I went to our local craft shop to work, just 9am to 4pm, longer than I will normally work as Liz was off. I loved interacting with the ladies in the shop, swapping idea's and generally being helpful, the time passed very quickly. Later watching Strictly whilst knitting more of my sock.

Sunday I got up a bit later, had a lazy start to the day, it was sunny and breezy, so late morning I went outside, I needed to support my broad beans, the heavy rain was beating them down, I have popped in extra supports in hope they say upright. I also dug out the tiny bed by our back door, the fuchsia's are still in bloom, but I did need to get them into the huge tub, all the spare soil from the bed I put on the side bed. It was cold outside, but nice to have sunshine, I have now finished all the jobs ready for the paving to be done later this month. 


  1. Your shrubs look lovely. I like autumn colour in the garden.

  2. I'm always in awe of your Acers. I tried to grow one, but unfortunately it died. I enjoy yours though.

    1. When smaller I grow mine in pots, as they won't survive in our heavy clay soil.

  3. Such lovely colours of Autumn in your garden.

    God bless.

  4. Your Acers are looking beautiful. The colours are simply stunning at this time of year. X

  5. Lovely pops of colour in your garden. I've been out today collecting leaves, my green bin is full already and collection isn't until next week, it's a chore this time of year.
    How lovely that you get to help out in a wool shop! I bet that's quite a treat.

  6. Your acers are stunning colours. Love them.

  7. Love the autumn colour in your garden.

  8. Glad you were all ok after the storm.
    Your Acers are wonderful in their Autumn colours . I have two small ones, both at the twiggy stage. They are still alive so there is hope for them.

  9. You've got some wonderful Autumn colour in your garden, lovely to see.

    All the best Jan



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