This is book one of a trilogy, I had already read book three, it's about a young woman who has been to prison for murder and is trying to rebuild her life, it's a clever story of how people see each other, what's your worth. Book 13 read this year.
I have been in the garden a couple times this week, I pulled the last of the leeks, hubby made leek and potato soup. My sweet-peas are sprouting, they are in my unheated greenhouse, I gave most plants a water, hoping things will grow in the coming weeks. I now have space in both of my raised veg beds, far to early to sow anything, I will cover the spots to warm up the soil.
I've pulled my cross stich project out again, I last stitched it here, almost a year ago, it's going to be a very organic design, and sadly I did not feel this second design looked right. I'm not sure how to progress other than finish this design. I've done nothing on my blog book, I should be working on 2023, my I'm just not in the mood to anything.
I'm still tired and I don't have much energy or willingness to do much, my sleep is disturbed through out the night, I don't think I am being woken up, the difference is how quickly I can get back to sleep.