Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 6 February 2025


This is book one of a trilogy, I had already read book three, it's about a young woman who has been to prison for murder and is trying to rebuild her life, it's a clever story of how people see each other, what's your worth. Book 13 read this year.

This is the second book, each story is a stand alone plot, there are refences to previous happenings, which does not effect the story, these are a very easy read, with a few twist in. Book 14 read this year.  
Another new author for me, I got it because of the title, I have read loads of books with similar themes, I loved the style of writing, he was a journalist, has a published book and worked on TV, but he's down on his luck, living near his sister, recovering from an attack. He uncovers a story, or is it, locals are not saying much. Book 15 read this year
We have had some great blue sky days, most morning this week has started with a light frost, it looks warm but here mid morning yesterday it was just above freezing. I'm still not complaining as our winters are really mild here along the south coast. 

I have been in the garden a couple times this week, I pulled the last of the leeks, hubby made leek and potato soup. My sweet-peas are sprouting, they are in my unheated greenhouse, I gave most plants a water, hoping things will grow in the coming weeks. I now have space in both of my raised veg beds, far to early to sow anything, I will cover the spots to warm up the soil.

I've pulled my cross stich project out again, I last stitched it here, almost a year ago, it's going to be a very organic design, and sadly I did not feel this second design looked right. I'm not sure how to progress other than finish this design. I've done nothing on my blog book, I should be working on 2023, my I'm just not in the mood to anything.

I'm still tired and I don't have much energy or willingness to do much, my sleep is disturbed through out the night, I don't think I am being woken up, the difference is how quickly I can get back to sleep. 

Monday, 3 February 2025


 This is 4 short stories which link together, the link was very tenuous, but the stories were good, more from missing person investigator David Raker, this being the last title in the set so far which I have read, my hope is he will write another story. Book 12 read this year.

George came home with star of the week on Friday, he loves school and is working well, he does have a 1to1 help, there are 3 disabled children in his class, so the ladies rotate between the children, which has given George so much confidence. We know this support is not available to every disabled child, many schools struggle to get funding and the right staff, the school has a great reputation and gets great results. George is very chatty and is now very good at pronouncing his words, he is thriving.

Everything is doing well in my greenhouse, I've never heated it, our weather is rarely too cold and we miss most of the snow, my sweet peas are shooting, I do struggle with these, but I won't give up trying. My flower beds need a tidy, but I'm resisting for a few weeks, I do need to trim the fleabane daisies in my newer flower bed so I can see all the spring bulbs as they grow. My greenhouse window opened for the first time this year, it was warm inside.

I've stopped taking my pain relief pills, doing pilates a couple times a week is helping my shoulder, I saw a doctor on Instagram saying they were not the best to be on long term, they sort the nerve damage, but they keep you drowsy. I went on NHS site, which said the same, I've been taking them for a few years, this week I have felt so good, awake and alert, as they are prescribed to take 'when needed' I felt safe to stop them. I am not sleeping so well, I will have to re access in a couple of weeks if my sleep patterns don't return, I'm feeling so much fitter, I've noticed the house needs a good clean.

We had another family roast dinner on Sunday, neither Will or Molly eat many vegetables at home, they leave all of them each meal, here Molly will eat vegetables. It also means daughter does not have to cook a meal, which one or more complains about and won't eat. George loves vegetables but won't eat much meat, Will only loves meals with chips. Typical children, we have all been through their picky stage of eating.

Friday, 31 January 2025

January round-up

 No spending on craft, nothing needed, I have been reading, I did get one pack of seeds for my garden, £10 spent on clothes and got a new pair of slippers. 

I have read 11 books this month, average 2 per week, I'm missing my garden. 

I finished off a great set of bargains this month, back in November I saw my favourite perfume at a good price at Superdrug, plus a offer of 4 points for every pound spent, I got the perfume and £20 in points on my card (hubby gave me the perfume as my Christmas gift), then my second favourite perfume was half price £30, so I got a bottle, used my points and paid only £10. Both bottles will last me all year. 

We have used £12.50 of Tesco vouchers, most of hubby's £50 Co-op gift card, and his blue light card 10% off the cost of our slippers, the customer in front of us used his card, so we did the same.

We got two radiator fans for the house, we are now much warmer even turned the temperature down one degree, we have changed our broadband and now have a saving each month with better download speeds. I have also changed my mobile phone provider, again making a saving. Our new phones were expensive, not the latest models, but over the next 24 months we will be making savings, plus we had a good price for our old phones, we are both loving the improved cameras. 

We have been nibbling through our Christmas foods, no waste, we did finish our Christmas cake, we both love rich fruit cake. We are eating out of our freezers, both were full, now we can see some space.

My weight recorded at the start of the month was higher than I wanted, but not as high as it has been in previous years, I was 7 pounds heavier in 2020 and 2018. I have since 2014 made a note of my weight on Jan 1st each year, 2016 and 2021 were my lightest starts to the year. My aim is to get rid of the extra pounds before the spring arrives, in truth I will be happy not to put on any more weight.  

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Spring blooms

 I love to see tiny spring bulbs in pots, I have a few pots I bring on to this metal table each year, to be able to see new blooms at this time of year is pure bliss. There are crocus in another pot and my winter cyclamen most of which are still blooming. 

The first snowdrops have arrived, these by my huge herb pot in the side bed, I have small clumps around the garden and some more in a pot. There are signs of other bulbs starting to grow everywhere in the garden, I have some around my wildlife pond as well.
Loads of things doing well in the greenhouse, I have put the top layer of my strawberry tower in here, in hope I can get some early berries. My lime tree has put on loads of new growth, I renewed the compost last summer.
I adore this plant, I had one for years until the frost got to it, I forgot to cover it, so this one will stay in a pot, it has tiny orange flowers, its a fast growing plant. 

Monday was a cold, windy and wet day, with thunder and lightning followed by huge hail stones. We did pop Lilly to the vets, she is doing well, her weight is good, she was the smallest of the litter, her second jab is booked for 3 weeks, we will then book her to be spayed and chipped at about 20 weeks, she stays inside until all done. I had picked up a tummy bug, a couple day feeling yuck, I'm better now.  

Nothing else to tell you, got more supplies for Lilly, we are happy to find a brand of wet food she likes. Met daughter and Molly in our local town on Wednesday, then later walked to the library in our village.

With the horrendous weather we are doing nothing, I won't say too much about our weather, compared to most places in the UK, we get off very lightly, with only Norfolk and Suffolk areas being drier than us. I'm a soft southerner, I don't like cold and wet, together they bring your mood down and keep us inside.


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