Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 27 July 2024


Bettys hair is growing and looking good, much nicer than the string of pearls, which never gave any height. This plant has grown loads since I planted it in April. She always wears these fake Rayban glasses, I was scammed once, thought I had purchased a pair of shoes at a good price, the glasses arrived instead, they are as cheap as they look.

My small spider plant has a long growth, which is flowering, this plant lives on the sunny kitchen window sill. The flowers behind are silk, our old beautiful jug has a crack and can't hold water.
I'm still happy with my small draw shelf on my desk, these succulents are doing well, they love this sunny spot, the plant back right has a long flower stalk.
Friday afternoon hubby was bored, so he baked another red velvet cake,  which we both love as does Will, made dairy free so the two little ones can have some, it does not affect the taste, it really does taste as good as it looks.

Thursday was a nothing day, it rained all day, heavy at times, good for the garden and keeps my rain butts full. It was much cooler, we did go for a short walk around the park, just to get outside. 

Friday we popped to daughters, finished the front garden, with the help of George and Molly, hubby wanted to start the back garden, but the garden waste bin was full, so we will come back and sort it out soon. We had lunch at the same café as Tuesday,  just hubby and I and walked along the waters edge at Warsash, it was overcast,  perfect for a lovely walk.

Today I have daughter, Will, George and Molly coming here, hubby is away for the day, it's already sunny and blue skies, all I need to do is pop there favourite items outside for them to play with.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Busy day

Daughter took me out for lunch on Tuesday, to the shore at Warsash, it's a small village on the other side of our local town, I had not realised it was on the coast, again so many small sailing clubs, which are everywhere locally.

These two had loads of fun, they look like twins, George is a year older than Molly.

As with everywhere else, here Will's double photo, first day at school along side last day at infants, I love his cheeky smile. He starts his summer holidays today, Wednesday, how quickly they grow up.

I spent the day at daughter's on Tuesday, most of my time was working out in her front garden, everything needs trimming back, it was hot and muggy, not the best day, I just wanted to get it done. it was much harder work than here, as it has not been done for a while, and it's much bigger than ours. Daughter knows nothing about gardening, she will start to learn, but with the two little people, it's impossible to work and supervise them, so I did most of the work. I have purchased garden gloves for both of them, they were very good at picking up the cuttings and carrying my tub to the bin to be emptied. Sadly daughters lawn is full of weeds nothing we can do about it yet, just keep it short.

We had a lovely lunch out in a café on the shoreline, and then a walk to let Molly and George run off some energy. I hope to be able to pop back with hubby, just like here in Portchester, it's a nice local place to visit away from all the tourist. 

Today is market day, so I will walk to the village, I don't think I need anything, but it will be nice to have a look around, rest of the day will be in my garden, dead heading and enjoying the space. My knees ache from kneeling for so long yesterday, which was expected, a restful day will soon sort me out.

Monday 22 July 2024

BBQ weekend

 Saturday I was home alone, time outside in garden, I had watered the night before, so everywhere is looking good, so much of the colour I crave. I found a few peas growing, so I tasted one, wonderful, I will have a few more to harvest. 

My beef tomatoes growing outside are just turning orange, again I've not grown these before, the two plants in the greenhouse are very mixed, I do have some tomatoes growing on them.
I've had a couple cauliflowers, and I have one last one growing, these are purely for hubby, I don't eat them.

Saturday was a dull day, I did some housework and then went outside for a few hours, loads of deadheading done, it's another job I love doing. Later I rested and read, I have loads of great books. We had more rain in evening and over night, all good for the garden.

Sunday was much nicer, not too hot and really sunny, perfect for a BBQ in the garden, daughter, Will, George and Molly came, Grandma and Grandpa, hubby and I. We did simple food, the children loving burgers, followed by a lovely fruit salad, perfect time outside, chatting  and watching the little ones playing.

Having a few sunny days in a row does make me feel so much better, the rain is good for all growing crops and flowers, and hopefully our water reservoirs are high. Here the schools finish on Tuesday, so let summer begin, everyone is happier when they can get outside.

Friday 19 July 2024

Sunny Eastbourne

We visited hubby's old army buddy for a few days this week, we stayed in a small converted barn in a stable near Polegate, East Sussex, the weather gods were good to us.

We popped to Eastbourne on Wednesday, starting on the east side near the harbour, sadly we did not visit the harbour this time.

We walked around the Pier, 
the views were stunning
It was a blowy day, but lovely and warm,
hubby and I 
As with most places along the south coast, the beaches are shingle.
Angie is not great on her feet, so we used the land train, hopping on and off, best way for her to see so much.
We had a meal in Beachy Head Hotel Tuesday  evening, we managed to get a table by the window, the views were stunning, we were high up and could see the south downs and right along the coast. The food was brilliant as was the lovely young waitress, a perfect evening with friends.

Later on Wednesday we spent a few hours sat in their back garden, fish and chips for tea, perfection, I do love sitting in someone's garden, I can enjoy the view without noticing anything to do. The car journey was only a couple of hours, so a perfect trip. 

I was unwell on Thursday,  I am beginning to see a pattern when I eat gluten, I have always suffered with eating foods with refined white flour, but these days it's happening more often, I shall speak to our doctors. At home it's much easier to control my foods, I am good when away, but the smallest amounts cause me issues.

Friday daughter came to ours with Molly and George,  they spent the morning with us, later we popped to Lidls and got loads for a Sunday BBQ. 


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