Today it has been sunny and I have been in the new garden, so far all we have been able to do is tidy the decking and put a couple of chairs out. My dish I made last year has lived through the winter and is still looking good. The lady who lived here before was not a gardener so I have
alot to do.

One of the first jobs I want to do is lift some paving stones by the small wall and plant a garden, it's a sunny spot and I want to create a cottage flower garden, I have loads of bulbs, plants, seeds and a couple of yellow rose bushes. I have started lifting the stones, but I will need some top soil and therefore plan to finish the area next weekend.

I have just one lot of
daffodils in the garden, so I will plants loads of spring bulbs in September.
I have removed the colour stones from this bed, I don't like the stones here. I have some shrubs from our old house to plant and will full the area with bedding plants.

We have one tree in the garden, which I think is a beech, it is full of bud at this time and we can't wait for the life to burst out. We have loads of signs spring is here, we just need the weather to get a bit warmer for
everything to grow. This is the only flower garden we have at the moment. so it does look very bare.

Out side my back door I have put "grandad", both Kev and I fell in love with him, he guards the only colour we have in our planting, as you can see the back of the house has
alot of decking, we are hoping to take some away, later we will have a new lawn, but not for months, we have other things to do first.

The front garden has the same yellow stone all over giving us two car parking spots, but I want to soften the look with some shrubs in the corners. But for now I am planning to do all the work in the back garden.
It's after 5pm now and even with the sun still shining it's getting cold. We have emptied the sitting and dining rooms, Kev removed both radiators from the wall, so I am in the office one of the few rooms we have heating in. We have also had to remove all the electrical fittings so we have no power or light, it's going to be a fun few days. By Wednesday we should be able to get the power back, and use both rooms again but the radiators won't get put back
until next weekend. We have seen some flooring we like and will probally purchase it next weekend, but we will have to paint before we can lay flooring.