Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 26 February 2021

Big ideas

At the top of my blog I have pages, one marked Finished items showing all my work over the years, to start with they were mainly cross stitch, but sewing, crochet and now knitting are shown there. In this photo are a mixture of some of the bigger cross stitch designs I have made, I still have some, but most have been gifted. In my 1st ever blog post I explained the title of this blog, it shows my love of poppies and patchwork, but not sewn fabric patchwork, I loved to make big stitched patchwork, I loved stitching each of the 6 different designs shown here. 
I do have a very good stash of silks (Floss), in my cabinet, which I have collected over the years, they store really well in these drawers, and have sat waiting for me to start stitching  again. 
So with the white 28 cwt evenweave from my stash, purchased back in 2017, I have an idea forming, to mash all these designs together and make on huge design, I will keep it for myself to use. I will stitch with 1 strand, making another fine stitched project, I love the tiny stitches. 
For the start of this project I can use my big hoop, later I will need to move to my Q snaps, they do not hold my work as tight as they did when new, if anyone has any suggestions on how to make them tight again, please let me know. This is a satisfying start to a big project, which already I know I have loved stitching the elements before. 
I do get to use this lovely bag I made years ago as a project bag, it's fully lined so nothing can get caught, I have a huge file in there with all the designs in and the start of the collection of threads I use. I often on big project reuse shades around the design to bring it all together, some of the designs have the shades I love, which drew me towards them in the 1st instance.  The patchwork on the front of the bag was an early attempt for me, there is another panel on the back. 

I did say after making a new design and finishing my Christmas tree last year I would finish some more WIP's, but they are not working for me, to finish them would be just to say they are done. None are any I would keep and use, the only item I am keeping close by for me to revisit is my Winter Watergarden, which was purchased back in 2011, it's stitched on 32 cwt linen, and stitched 1 over 2, I do love the threads in this work and would love to get it done, but stitching 1 over 2 I have found difficult, I found myself unpicking loads of bits, I have thought of getting a new canvas and restarting, but there are loads of hand dyed silks which I have already used and hard to replace, one day I promise myself. 

So here I am starting a huge project, I don't think we are going to be set free anytime soon, and I don't want to knit another jumper or crochet another blanket, and I need to fill my days. It also helps as I want to do things outside in the garden and there is very little to do, with so many long days ahead, I hope to have my lockdown design finished, I'm not sure if I will frame it or make a huge cushion, that decision will be made nearer to the finish line. I mainly stitch in the day time, I have another pair of socks to start for hubby and there will always be reading time.


  1. It's exciting when ideas form in your head and you plan them out and get started. It sounds like a big task ahead but one which you'll enjoy, and you've made a good start already. I look forward to your updates.

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/d471jz/chat_any_way_to_make_qsnap_tighter/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=comments_view_all

    These suggestions are probably worth trying

    1. Thanks, I've had a look and popped the clips into the dishwasher, they are better but still a bit loose.

  3. I love starting new projects. Good luck with this one, I look forward to regular updates.

  4. Oh wow it's always exciting starting a new project and that is a big one. I love the sight of all that embroidery floss and what a great place to store it, mine is all squashed together in a bag I really must sort it out. I didn't realise that you had completed your twelve Days Of Christmas Sampler, well done it looks fabulous.

  5. You have a nice collection of threads there Marlene.
    About the snap frames being loose, if it's the pieces you clip on to hold your fabric you can buy the replacements at Lakeside Needlecrafts, they are not expensive or, if they just need more grip on the fabric you're working on you could buy a roll of none slip matt, i get mine from the £1 shop, you then cut a strip to fit under the bar that clips onto the frame. If i want it tighter I put a strip of it under and over the fabric. I'm not explaining myself very well, lol I'll email you a photo.
    Have a good weekend

    1. My collection has been built over the years, these lovely drawers protect them so well. I have some of the non slip matt and will be using it once I have done all I can with my big hoop. The hoop is better I feel as it's a big area without the huge size of my Q Snaps. Thank you for your help.



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