Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 19 February 2021

Raining again

We had Will and George whilst mummy had another hospital appointment, baby is doing well, it was wet so a day inside. 
The boys always play together, Will is a kind gentle big brother, the only thing we say is 'not so close Will' as George likes his own space. We were exhausted after they left, it was for us an earlier start to the day, a few times I looked at the clock thinking it was much later than it was. Hubby made fruit pancakes for lunch with ice cream, we all loved them. 
The cats are not going out much, their mat is dirty from wet paw prints, but they love this spot next to the radiator. we are in the process of teaching George, when they are in their baskets they want to sleep and not play. Purdy (black and white) does love to play with the boys allowing them to stroke her, every time they visit she always comes out to play. 
I'm knitting like mad this week, I have separated the sleeves and I am now working on the body, I am playing yarn chicken with the navy shade, I think I have just enough, I have no way of knowing until I have knitted the design, I could cut the block colour by one row to ensure enough yarn, I will have to think about it. 

The weather has made it a dull week, with rain most days, just that awful non stop heavier than drizzle rain, if you go out you get wet not soaked, it's much warmer, which is good, by this weekend it's going to be much warmer than normal and dry, so I am dreaming of time in the garden on Sunday.  We have not walked to the local shops, after our Tesco big shop delivery on Monday, there is nothing we need. 

We did get some sunshine on Thursday, but the ground was so wet, so not able to be outside in garden. Also on Thursday Will had his 4th birthday, he went to preschool as normal, and came home to balloon's and cards and gifts and a treat of McDonald's for tea, it was a tiring day for him, so we did not speak to him, he had lovely new toys to play with. Today we stretching our supporting role and popping over for cake and cuddles, it will be nice to leave the house, it's about a 10 minute drive to their house..

I keep saying I am bored, but honestly it's not boredom, it's the feeling of being caged, even if it is in our lovely comfortable home, with hubby who is a good companion. I am not complaining, I am trying to understand my feelings, I have always loved this home and garden, we have everything we want here, my small stash of craft items suit my taste at this time. Summer is always better, I thrive when outside in the garden, being tucked away inside for so long, watching the rain and the dull starts to the day, which brings the spirits down a level. I know I'm in a safe place, there are loads of others who are suffering with all types of fears and worries, we can hide from this virus, and as more people have their vaccinations, we can see a small light at the end of this huge black hole. BUT we need contact and laughter together with those we love, and as things feel as if they are improving the desire to be free is growing. 


  1. I can appreciate that your Grandsons wear you out. I was only in my 40's when I looked after my Grandson pretty much from the time he was born as my daughter had to work. Looking back I don't know how I did it. I certainly couldn't do it now.

  2. I understand what you are saying about feeling caged. I too feel very frustrated. I know we just have to wait until it's safe, but it is becoming increasingly hard to motivate myself to do anything at all. It doesn't feel like living at the moment, just eeking out an existence.

  3. I described that feeling of being caged as going stir crazy so I understand exactly how you are feeling. Your knitting is looking good and your cats have the right idea staying warm and cosy by the radiator.

  4. Oh, happy birthday to Will, four already, where does the time go? Most people will have had a birthday in lockdown over the past year but it's sad when you think of little ones who would be celebrating their day with parties, playing with friends or celebrating with extended family, they've known none of that. I always feel a bit caged at this time of year, the short days and bad weather really bring me down, so it's been even worse this year, especially with everything that's happened over the last couple of years. If I could just go for a drive in the car for a change of scenery it would do me the world of good but we can't even do that. I'd rather things were as they are though rather than relaxed, it's better to be safe than sorry.

  5. Happy Birthday to Wil. It is hard to believe he is 4 already.

    God bless.

  6. Lovely photographs.
    Belated Happy Birthday to Will.

    All the best Jan



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