Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday 20 July 2023


I have made my work into a cushion, it is finished to how I wanted it, it's big, and I'm very unsure about the look. I have popped it into our bedroom, so I can view it for a while and see how I feel. I do wish I had sewn it so it was longer than taller, I can use it this way, just my boxes with words in in bottom corner would be the wrong way. 
I have more of this green fabric, I love the colour, I could unpick the cover and make a boarder around my sewing,  but that would make the cushion even bigger. I'm going to have to think about this.
With my sewing completed and tennis over, what to do next, I've had some fun with pumpkins, I made another needle felted pumpkin, it's a bit tighter felted than the orange one.
I also got my knitting needles out, I had found a very simple knitted pattern for a pumpkin, I made the small one, wanted a bigger one, so played around with the pattern, and then made a 3rd bigger one, the biggest pumpkin I use 2 strands of 4ply and bigger needles, quick to stuff and sew up, the stalks are made with pipe cleaners, just to fiddly to knit.
Whilst pulling out my cotton yarns, I found a knitted rabbit, finished in 2020, I felt it was time for her to be sewn together, I had completely forgot I had knitted her. I had already made the shoes, I will place the arms and legs once I have made the clothes, so I get them in the correct position. 
I decided on a different dress to make, all the clothes in the book fit most of the knitted animals, this is pretty, BUT, I forgot how difficult it is to follow these patterns, I started this garment 3 times before I read the pattern correctly, this is knitted in 4ply cotton, I am thinking of starting again and using wool rather than cotton.

I did go to sign group on Tuesday, which was fun, we are learning signs to an ABBA song, it is a good way to practice signs together, we have a new lady joined the group, she is very willing to learn and has already mastered fingerspelling. I popped to a couple of shops after wards, got a daisy for the garden, by the time I got home hubby had finished painting the hall, it does look good. 

Wednesday hubby had a break from decorating,  so I was able to clean the whole house and do the ironing, it's a great feeling once it's all done. Thursday morning was spent in the garden, the bedding drying on the line, hubby did a small painting job in kitchen.

Tomorrow are having a day together, popping out if the weather allows, we are promised rain again, taking the bus into Portsmouth.

I am still feeling cranky and irritable, I don't know why, I could blame the weather, but that's not true, I expect it will pass, as it always has before. One positive is when I am in this mood, I can't stand clutter and I like to tidy, we both are tidy people, but the house is having a once over, anyone visiting, don't stand still for too long. 


  1. Cranky irritable productive and tidy, the negatives are cancelled by the positives so you are doing ok. Hope you are back on top form soon so you can really enjoy the tidiness.

  2. I hope the weather allows you a good day out tomorrow.

    All the best Jan

  3. I love the cushion how it is and any green is my favourite! Sad the tennis is finished but I'm still tracking the Tour de France and last night watched Australia's Matilda's in the opening round of the World Cup soccer. Football to you. We only usually watch our grandson play but the ladies are doing a great job. It's cold and wintery here have a good week

  4. I think your cushion is so lovely just as it is. I would love to start decorating our house just need a block of time that is not possible at the moment. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  5. Your cushion looks fabulous. I love the pumpkins too, but I adore the rabbit and can't wait to see how it turns out once it's finished.



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