Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 10 July 2023

Lazy weekend

Molly is now 2 years old, how quickly time flies, she is a clever quick thinking little girl, typical when you have two older brothers, Sunday we spent the morning with them, she had a family party at home, loads of dairy free cake and fun.

I work on this design most days, one pattern at a time, and smile as the empty space gets smaller, it is harder to choose designs as the area is smaller. I feel very close to the finish line. I do have thoughts on what next.
Outside again, there are two plants in this huge pot, red vines and yellow ones at the bottom, I am so pleased with the number of vines on here, nothing beats the taste of home grown tomatoes, we have picked a few already. This pot will stay in the greenhouse.
We are having a steady harvest of small cucumbers, the tomatoes behind were planted later to extend the harvest season, again 2 plants in one tub. These are both outside. The long narrow pot as a good mixture of sand and old compost, both my cats love using it, I can easily keep it clean, and they are not digging in the main beds.  
I cut back the blueberries last year and there are loads of new growth, which will be great for next years harvest, there are loads of berries, most are just starting to ripen. The raspberries look very healthy, there are plenty of flowers forming, most of these are late summer fruits. The blueberry tub will be moved soon, hubby wants to get at the cut back tree roots, I have a new spot for the tub, but only after the summer flowers have finished. 

Saturday, 15 minutes after publishing the post below hubby came home, the heavy rain and thunder stopped everything, so he got on with painting the bathroom door and door frame, the downstairs bathroom is finished now and looks good, exactly the same colours as before, the paint is good quality and has kept well, I am happy to have the same colours, means I don't have to change anything. Hubby wants to do our small hall next, it's now just skirting boards wall and ceiling. the back of the house is open plan and no more doors. He loves to do it himself, so for now I am doing more laundry and ironing, which is always his chores, his choice as he does not like housework, which I do. 

We have been watching tennis most days, the standards are very high this year, it's so good to see so many younger players coming through. Whilst sad to see Andy Murry and Katie Boulter knocked out, so no more British players, it is good to see so much excellent tennis. 

I have another busy week, I am doing the school collection run Monday to Thursday, daddy can get them to school and nursey, daughter still can't comfortably drive, so I rather she did not try, there is only two weeks left of the school term.

1 comment:

  1. Just having a quick catch up I feel like I have been out of blog land for ages. Happy Birthday to Molly - I love a caterpillar cake. Your garden is looking so good - mine is like a jungle as we are away so much visiting my mum there is little time to cut anything back when we are at home.



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