Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 3 July 2023

And peace

Another good read, some old characters from a previous book, but a totally different story, where does he get his ideas from, a quick read. Book 14 read this year.
These pair ate my cinnamon and rasin bagels for breakfast, they are full of laughter and energy, keeping me on my toes this past week. Will loves my bagels as well, I did bring extra with me, nothing beats buttery fingers after eating them.
A bit more added since I'm back at home, it was bliss stitching in the quiet, my last different design being added, a last minute choice. I had thought this would be my last project, but the satisfaction and joy I get from cross stitch, means I will do another big project.

It was another full on week, daughter is much better, she should have dressings off early next week, when her hubby is on a weeks holiday. I am glad to be home to rest, the school runs, whilst without problems, are tiring, the little ones when not at nursery, stayed home with mum, making it easier for me. One true bonus, hubby was home alone and bored, so I have a super clean house, he has been moving furniture and cleaning corners, so I'm super happy to have a clean house, might be tempted to stay with daughter again.

I've not made many comments this past week, so many blogs want me to sign in on Google, but my phone won't allow it, I have enjoyed everyone's post.

We have had a second night of rain, daughters lawn is starting to go green again, it's much cooler. Our garden is looking good, I will need to dead head flowers and pick a small harvest, most of the strawberries are finished, blueberries and raspberries are now ripening, as are cucumbers and tomatoes, I do love having fresh picked food.

I'm back at home so today I am going to have a very slow lazy day, I am looking forward to doing more of my cross stitch and later in the week using my sewing machine.


  1. Enjoy the peace after what sounds like a busy week.

  2. They are such a joy, but they grow up so fast! My youngest grandchild is 15! Anything that brings us joy these days should be pursued so stitch on! I love to knit and have almost finished my second sweater this year. Thanks for the book recommendation.❤️

  3. Children are very tiering you deserve a rest now you're back at home. How wonderful that your hubby did some deep cleaning while you were gone! It would never have crossed Mark's mind to do that! He helps but not on his own initiative, lol.

  4. We had some much needed rain today ... it was very welcome, the garden certainly appreciated it.

    All the best Jan



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