Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 21 July 2023

Sunny day

I have planted my daisies in the back corner of the red rose bed, this is the 4th plant I have purchased over recent years, the other 3 died, my dad grew these for years, only flower he had in his veg garden, I love them. I have everything crossed these thrive in this location, being close to our Magnolia tree and next doors jungle, the ground should not be too wet for them. 
Two blooms were snapped, so I have made a small display for the kitchen.
We have started working on the back corner, in front of the raised bed, the willow tree is now just a small stump, we are hoping not to have to dig out the roots, hubby drilled deep holes into the bit of stump left and poured in a root killer, if it does what they say, the roots should die. Doing this now gives us time to see if it works, if not we will dig the roots out later in the year. If any part of the root survives it will regrow into a tree, so we need to do this right.
In front of the blueberry tub is my hellebore, when we moved the tub we noticed flowers, a lovely surprise and totally out of season. This plant will stay here, I have another at the other end of the raspberry bed.
With the tree and the blueberries gone, this corner has opened up, I will plant a few more raspberries next spring. I have also moved my cucumber from the path into the greenhouse,  and moved the 2nd tomato tub along. I am pleased to see flowers on my sweet peas, this is the only spot I can get them to grow, I will separate the agapanthus once the blooms go over, it has got huge.

Any time outside is good for me, getting a few big things done is brilliant, the blueberries in the huge tub is by the garage, I have move the strawberry tower, it's now in the shade along the side of the garage. Most of the plants are finished.

I picked loads of tomatoes both red and yellow ones from the plant in the greenhouse, we are eating them like sweets, there is another small cucumber almost ready, the plant should do better in the greenhouse. I have also loads of blueberries, they are much easier to pick now they are not in the crowded corner.

We spent the whole day outside yesterday, the promised rain did not arrive, very nice to sit and drink coffee in the sunshine, hubby repainted the outside house walls in the garden area, not a big job and they now look clean and bright. I was doing little task around the plot, dead heading is now daily, the french marigolds needed doing, I hate the smell of them, but hubby loves the flowers.


  1. Hi Marlene. Yes, your post has given me cheer :)
    I think it is wonderful what you achieve in your garden, and I do hope you get to enjoy a pleasant summer in it (even if I want the next few weeks to go by quickly!). Mxx

  2. We took out an over large Cherry last year and had the roots ground out (costs a small fortune) and we still have roots wandering the garden feet away from where the tree was and they do sprout! Your garden is looking lovely and good you can spend time in it - ours is looking very forlorn this year with not being here very much - so it is nice to see yours!

  3. I planted one of these daisies this year but it’s struggled in the heat. My fingers are crossed that it will survive as I love daisies. Your garden is so beautiful and must be a joy to sit in. Catriona

  4. Your garden does look very nice, a lovely place to enjoy a coffee in the sunshine.

    All the best Jan

  5. I always smile when you show us your garden. It really is a lovely place.

    God bless.

  6. The perfect way to spend a sunny day. Your agapanthus look magnificent.



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