Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Sunday 30 July 2023

July round-up

A small spend on normal crafts, just bits to finish my cushion, a bigger spent on needle felting fibre, I should have loads to use for months to come, and small spend in the garden, a couple of plant supports, small plants and some bulbs, another good month. 

I did purchase another cotton top and leggings this month, nothing else required, I'm replacing worn clothes this year, I do look at sale rails in shops I like when I am out, which is not that often.

July was a good spend month in our household, no big pay-outs, most of our bills are paid monthly, we did do a shop for all our cleaning stuff, we visited Home bargains and stocked up, in hope we can avoid the shop until the school return in September. We are saving for the new garden layout.

No waste in the house, the composter has all the veg bits from the kitchen as well as garden stuff, we are now in a place where we know what we need and don't impulsive purchase. My harvest, whilst only small is being used, except tomatoes, which I am chopping up and freezing, they make great bases for our home made soups.

My steps really dropped, but I needed the rest, my weight is lower, by only a couple of pounds, but I have noticed my waist is smaller, a couple of trousers now fit much better, so I'm pleased. Having said that I want to focus on this part of my life, I need to move more, eat less and take control. My back is hurting again, so I am being careful.


  1. Well done on keeping your spending down. I try every month, but always seem to end up buying a few bits here and a few more there. Not large sums, but they do add up.

  2. Great work on keeping things at such a low level of spending. You did very well.

    God bless.

  3. I think it's always easier to keep the spending down when you know you're saving for something. Hope your back isn't too bad, I have to be so careful with mine these days.

  4. Sorry to read that your back is troubling you again.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan



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