Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 5 January 2024

Whilst the rain falls

First book read this year, it's been so wet and dull, so plenty of reading time, I did enjoy this book, slightly different from her other books I have read, still with a medical background, set in two time lines. Book 1 read this year.
I love this author, so again I knew this would be a good book, he builds the plot around lives and then brings them all together, a very different theme, these people who have severed their time in jail are given new lives by the probation service, but they are being hunted and murdered, who, why? the police are on the case, twist and turns. I loved every word. Book 2 read this year. 
I gifted hubby these multi tools a few years ago, he did have them by his computer and then they were packed away, he does not use them, this week he has sorted his side of our office (long overdue) and stated these could go, I grabbed them, and they are now mine, as well as looking good the tools are useful, I have them out on show, I have used them often, I love them. 
I did pop into TK Max on Tuesday whilst in town, I got a pack of 6 crackers, reduced to a good price, and some paper tree ornaments, I love these simple folded designs, all packed away for later this year. I also got 3 jute bags locally, reduced to £1 each, I have no other plans to purchase anything for Christmas, everything is now packed away. 
I did manage an hour outside on Wednesday, the sun broke through for the shortest of time, the winds dropped and it was very pleasant, this side bed has been plagued with wild garlic, I purchased cheap bulbs many years ago, and every year they spread, so I have dug out the whole of this section and removed loads of tiny bulbs, all of which I popped in our rubbish bin, I did not want them in my compost. I am now hoping I have dug enough out to stop too many shoots, I know I will not have got them all, but I'm hoping most are gone. 

It took a while to sort my second pair of glasses out, for an unknown reason, the shop had ordered my second pair without my permission, which should not have been an issue other than I am struggling with these new to me bifocals. They were very helpful in the shop, but it took ages, going through the whole kerfuffle, no I didn't ask them to be made, why I was having issues, what they could do to help me, I'm not convinced they have sorted the issue I have when sat reading, that part of the lens feels far to small, I will know at the end of the month when the second pair arrive. We did wander around a couple of shops, not needing anything, but the wet weather was closing in, so we came home. 

Later on Tuesday daughter came over with Will, George and Molly, so the house was full of laughter, I should have taken a photo of Molly, she is looking so grown up, there is very little toddler left in her, she is not 3 until July, it looked like  a book shop here, they got all the books out to read. 

Wednesday was a lazy day at home, more storms in the morning and evening, nothing much to do inside and no interest to do much, so I sat on my computer popping more post into my 2022 book, I'm about a 1/3 of the way through, I hope to import and sort both 2022 and 2023 ready for the November discounts. 

Thursday started dry, by lunchtime the relentless rain arrived, non stop for the rest of the day, I have looked at all my seeds and made plans for the coming growing season, I will post next time, as a reminder to me of what I have. Today we are popping to the new huge B&M, to look at their garden centre, it's close to Dunelm and Home bargains, can't think we need much, but will look out for bargains, afterwards going to daughters house to look after her 3 for an hour. 


  1. The rain has been relentless and we sink into the grass/mud. Fortunately we live on high ground so have no fear of flooding.

  2. Those little birds are just up my alley. I love them.

  3. You've made a good start on your reading. I haven't picked a book up yet this year, most unlike me.

  4. I like Tess Gerritsen too, not heard of the other author. What a treat to get out in the garden for even a short while. The weather is forecast to be much better - well, drier but colder - here for the next week. It'll be nice to be able to go out for a walk, well wrapped up.

  5. I think winter has finally arrived here on the Canadian prairies. It is definitely cooling off more and we are supposed to get a bit of snow today.
    I really like Tess Gerritsen and enjoyed that book.

    God bless.

  6. I love the little mini tools and I would have kept them too! We’re having lots of rain here and the garden is full of weeds but way to wet to work in. I’m reading and doing a fiendish jigsaw to pass the time. Catriona

  7. The weather has been terrible hasn't it. I do feel for those who are being affected by flood waters.

    Enjoy your reading in 2024 :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Love the tools. Too busy at this time of year here to do much reading.

  9. Your wild garlic sounds a bit like the oxalis that plagues our old garden here. It is so hard to get rid of it all, no matter what you do, so I'm wishing you good luck! I like the look of your little tools too :)

  10. Love the little multi tools, so useful. I need to get an eye test very soon. Not sure I'll buy any new glasses though. I couldn't get along with bifocals and went back to normal long distance lenses. I only wear my glasses for driving and tv these days.



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