Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 29 January 2024

Dry weekend

Saturday was a lovely day, blue skies and warm for this time of year, we both went out into the garden, it's our first coffee moment of the year in our new garden, only the small chairs out for just as long as we needed them. Both cats followed us outside, they love being outside, wandering around checking up all the details.
Hubby was on maintenance duty, he painted this half wall along the side bed, much easier when the plants are not in growth. My edging looks good, it's a bit high this end, I will need to sort it, I do have a piece to pop along the short end. Loads of bulbs coming through and very pleasing not to see any of the wild garlic, I'm sure there are still some left. 
The trays in the small plastic greenhouse are done, there are eight in here, I used left over top soil from the garden, it's lovely and fine and should work well. I'm not thinking about sowing for a few more weeks, when the soil should be warm enough to aid germination. These trays are for now shut inside for extra warmth. 
I have one tray of longer seed holders, these are for my runner beans and a few leeks, there is also four of the smaller seed trays in these two bigger trays. These are on the lower section of my staging, on the sunny side of the greenhouse. For the first time in ages I have most of my seed trays in use, I have another double tray and lid, which I will sow with French Marigolds and leave outside for them to grow. 
The greenhouse is busy, this smaller plastic greenhouse will stay where it is until the warmer weather, when I can move it to the side and use the shelves as extra storage, I have placed it in the warmest part of this space. It's good to see everywhere being used fully, behind the silver (it's a radiator reflection panel), is my bougainvillea, it's doing better than last year.  

Hubby also helped remove some old wood which was along the garden, where all the slate is next to the Magnolia tree, with the lawn edging we did not need the boards, I also scooped all the slate from in front of the raspberry bed and put it under the red acer, this brought the level of the ground up to the lawn level, and saved me getting a couple bags of slate. I use an old decking board cut down to size to fill the gap in front of the raspberry bed, which is tidy enough for my working part of the garden. I did think of planting in the area, but it's a thin strip and would be hard to keep the cats off the soil. 

I have one area I am focusing on now, my tall raised bed in front of the greenhouse, I struggled to keep this full of flowers in previous years, giving colour through the summer, I have planted loads of bulbs, I am wanting to see what grows, and maybe change the layout. In a tiny garden every bit of space has to be productive, I want to fill my raised bed and use it as a salad bed, it's big enough.

Sunday was quiet day at home, I did a few smaller jobs inside, a bit of cleaning, and then after a short walk I sat and read, perfect time after a busy day before. The automatic greenhouse window opened for the first time on Sunday, not for long, it's good to see it still works.

We watched the final of The Traitors, I picked up this series a few weeks ago, I enjoyed it and hubby started watching as well, I will watch series 1 on catch up, we don't normally like reality shows, but this one was different. We also enjoy The Masked Singer, I don't know why as the host and at least one panel member I don't like, but it's fun. We are also enjoying Pottery throw down, having done a day class last year, it's no where as easy as they make it look, and they are all great potters. 


  1. You're well prepared for the warmer seasons, Marlene. I need to have a think about what to grow this year. Xx

  2. It makes such a difference when it's not raining and you can start outdoor gardening.

  3. That first drink in the garden on warmer days is really exciting. We haven't done it yet here. Still a bit cold for me.

  4. So nice to be able to sit and enjoy a drink in the garden.

    All the best Jan

  5. You surely have a great start on getting things ready for planting. Enjoy being able to have coffee or tea in the garden.

    God bless.

  6. It sounds like spring is definitely arriving in your area.
    i enjoy the pottery show as well, they are all so talented.

    1. It's a bit early to call it spring, we often get cold weather or snow in March.

  7. It begins to feel as if spring is nearly here. It's lovely to see things growing and filling the garden.



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