Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 8 January 2024


I got the buttons for my green cardigan, these are metal and feel correct for this weight, Aran yarn, but at £1 each, not cheap, I needed eight, was given a discount paid £5, still expensive, I am proud of myself for sewing them on already, it's a simple task I don't like, when my daughters were young I always knitted them jumpers so there would be no buttons. 
I have started another 3ply pair of socks, using hand dyed yarn, beautiful shades. I'm at the turn of the heal, beginning the decrease rows before I start the foot. I love the shades in this yarn, and will enjoy wearing them, I have made the top of the sock a bit longer than I normally make. 

I am cynical on so many things, I do often see the good side of things, but when it comes to shopping and supermarkets, I often question their reasons. Last year I succumbed to purchasing the double sized toilet rolls, with thoughts if how quick will they start to reduce their size. So on my request we will never use the bottom roll, it can stay there and record the reductions which will come. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Friday we popped out shopping to the other side of town, nearer to daughters house, we were babysitting later in afternoon, we tried the huge out of town B&M, can't say I would be in a hurry to go back, we also popped into B&Q, hubby had a few things to get, and then on to home-bargains. We had lunch in Whitley and popped into a few more shops, hubby was looking for jogging bottoms, but could not find any he liked. We did pick up a few useful bits, not spending much at all. 

Will had his first sleepover in ages, he was busy over the Christmas holidays, he still sleeps in our room, I am trying to get him to sleep in the spare bedroom, he call's it uncle Martins room, he will be 7 in February, so it's time for the change, both mummy and daddy are happy he sleeps in our room. George and Molly if they sleep over is always in the spare room. Very early start on Sunday morning. 

It's very nice to see dry sunny days, the dirty laundry bin is empty, first time in weeks, we spent some time outside, Will loves being in the garden, I managed to sort a few things, Sunday afternoon started the greenhouse, I hope to finish it this afternoon. It feels so good to be outside at the start of another year for growing, sadly far to early for starting seeds. 


  1. I'm sure you're right about the shrinkage of loo rolls. Everything gradually reduces.

  2. Perfect choice of buttons for your cardigan and well done on the sock progress. I’m about to cast on an oversize slipover to make a smarter looking garment than my tatty gilet for this colder weather. Catriona

  3. It's good to start making plans for the garden again, planning what veg to grow. Good luck with your garden ventures this year, Marlene.
    Lots of products seem to be smaller now than I remember from years ago but the prices still seem to go up and up. Strange that !!

  4. Lovely buttons and they suit your jumper perfectly. I also purchase the larger rolls and have for a number of years. I know they have shrunk a bit as I take note of how many sheets are on a roll.

    God bless.

  5. I think those buttons look very nice.
    I think no matter what you buy these days things are getting smaller and we pay the same price or probably more!!!

    Keep warm, the weather is definitely cooling down.

    All the best Jan

  6. You did well sewing on those buttons. I always have trouble aligning them in the right place - even when I think I have it right, the button always somehow ends up a bit skew-iff :)



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