Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 19 January 2024

Another week

 It's that time of year when homemade cakes are our treat each day, we both have stopped snacking, eating biscuits and have a small slice each afternoon with our coffee. Much healthier for us, and hopefully I will see the pounds dropping off my scales. 

This was a fast back loan from our local library, just two weeks to read it, which is not an issue. I enjoyed it, a bit different, families, lies, one woman's life interwoven with a book, the plot held to the end, how things untangled, how different members of the families see things. Book 4 read this year.
Both cats have the right idea, sleeping in their igloo's underneath the radiator, both when awake can see the garden and watch the birds, Grace when awake wants to sit on my lap, which is OK as I am reading more through this cold spell, oh for the life of a loved cat. 
The view in my greenhouse, geraniums in full bloom, we can see these from our sitting room window, it's a pleasant sight on a cold winters day. It's staying reasonably warm inside the greenhouse, I do not heat it, I do have a heater, which as yet I have never used. Later I will sort my new greenhouse, it will be a few weeks before I start to use it.  
I adore hellebores, I have 5 plants around the garden, the red plant was a birthday gift from daughter last November, it's a bit ahead of the others, which have loads of buds. The white Christmas rose is back out in the garden, still with flowers, sadly looking a bit bedraggled. The last plant bloomed back in late summer, I don't know why, again the blooms are looking past their best. 

I am thinking about craft, I would like to make a needle felted flower, I have a cutter which would make a great backing, once I have attended the sleeping bunny day course, I would like to make more animals. 

This cold weather is stopping so much, we are due less cold temperatures over the weekend,  but that will bring rain, my garden pots are dry, so it will help, but it's another thing to keep us inside. It's another bright sunny cold morning, both Molly and George will be here soon, they are having a play day with us, mummy has a college essay to write and it will be much easier working on her own. 


  1. I'm a great fan of hellebores too. I used to have more but a few have died off. I only have one now, a Christmas one, which is still going but the stems are long and tend to flop over now. I need to support them.

  2. Hellebores are lovely plants and so reliable. It's nice to see geraniums at this time of year, even though under glass, so to speak.

  3. Is that a 'light' fruit cake? Looks delicious
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's a marmalade cake, which is a light fruit cake.

  4. I adore Hellebores! I found a variety called Sally’s Shell, when we lived at our previous house. It was gorgeous! Can I find it anywhere for sale, for my new garden? No! All of the garden centres have the white Niger variety but very little else!

    Thank you for your comments on my blog! I was interested in your chimney pots…about 15 years ago, I had the chimney pot from my mum’s house and happily filled it with plants..until my husband said that I should get rid of it as it contained asbestos!
    I had to pay to get rid of it…the best laid plans etc! But I do love things like that in the garden! Also milk churns, old dustbins, metal trunks..oh and I once had an old banana box with Geraniums in it. It all adds to the vintage look! Have a happy weekend! Sal 😁

  5. What an uplifting sight those geraniums are.

    God bless.

  6. Aah yes...cake o'clock...with a cup of tea...in a china cup! x

  7. I too like Hellebores :)

    Your cake does look delicious.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  8. Your cats seem to have the perfect place to settle down and enjoy a cosy snooze.
    Your cake looks perfect for afternoon tea. Enjoy your cake treat.



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