Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 10 January 2024


I finished sorting my greenhouse on Monday, I wanted this staging along the sunny side of the greenhouse, in hope as the warmer weather comes I can start my seedlings in trays with clear lids here. The geranium's have not stopped flowering yet, we can now see these from the house.  
I put my potting table just inside the door, handy to get at, I have a bougainvillea wrapped in hope it's warm enough in the coming months, it did not do very well last year in the greenhouse. Nestled close to the back fence, this side is sheltered from the harsh winds. 

It was a pleasant surprise to find my 3 metal shelves from Ikea, fitted along the back perfectly, they look tidy here, it's the staged area, with my vintage clay pots, which I do use, and loads of bits along with my much reduced cacti and succulents. 

My sister gave me the table many years ago, it's handy to have stools at this end of the garden. There are loads of pots in here for the winter months, and bottom right in photo is my sphagnum moss, which through the summer I pop cuttings into, they root well. 

I put a few things outside the greenhouse and then closed the door and worked in the tight space, I did not wash the glass, that's a summer job, everywhere has been swept and washed down, it got quite warm inside, it was cold outside, it did try and snow twice, but it turned to icy rain. On a positive note, I did not see one spider, which I hate, I have thrown away loads of bit's I had been keeping just in case. 

My next task is the raised veg beds, I will add another higher level of string, the broad bean plants are getting tall, I will remove the netting on the second bed, and add more top soil to raise the level, and then I will cover with plastic, hoping they help the ground to warm up quicker. 

It does feel good to be outside, I believe every job you do at this time of year will be repaid in full later, plus it stops me wanting to sow seeds as it's far to early. My side of the garage needs a good sort, but the wooden bench is in the way and we don't want it back outside until the drier weather returns. 

It is great to wake up to dry days, a couple times sunny but cold, which I don't mind as you can always wrap up warm, as Billy Connelly said it's never the wrong weather just you're wearing the wrong clothes. Tuesday morning the roofs had a dusting of snow, the ground was clear. 


  1. You always seem to keep very busy. Love your greenhouse.

    God bless.

  2. The greenhouse looks very organised.

    All the best Jan

  3. I woud be happy too, not seeing any spiders! :)

  4. Your greenhouse looks great, Marlene. It will be great to get started with seeds in a few weeks time but meanwhile it is lovely to enjoy some winter sunshine and just potter.



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