Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 27 January 2024

Making a flower

I did not have the colour green I wanted, so I mixed 3 different shades, these are brushes sold for brushing cat fur, they work well on small bits of roving, if I do more bigger mixing of fibres, I will consider getting the proper brushes. I'm pleased with the shades, much better than a flat colour. I am trying to bring different skills to my needlefelting. 
I made the base leaf, using a metal flower cutter, I do love the metal shapes, it's not perfect, the shades do look good, more natural, it will have a daisy on top, firstly I need to attach the pin, this will be a pin for my coat. The plastic template will make various parts of the flower. I think I will try and find a few leaf shaped cutters, the flower is OK, but not as realistic as I wanted.
Rather than making my daisy white, I wanted some colour, so this pale pink is just perfect, daisies have always fascinated me, from my dad growing huge one's, the only flower he grew, to sat making daisy chains on sunny days. Here you can see the 3 stages of the petal, using the mould to create the petal, then making them tidy before adding them to the leaf and creating the flower. I have a few different shades of yellow for the centre. The biggest thing I am learning, is just how little you require of the rovings to create anything. 
Another book, it started extremely well, bringing to life four friends, a different holiday, trekking in Norway, things don't go to plan, some have not prepared, not even sure they want to be there. Some good twist to the plot, and a clever way to bring a back story to life. I have not read this author before, I would read another book. Book 6 read this year.

I'm not feeling crafty at all, I would like to knit, but I don't need cardigans, jumpers or socks. I did think of making another crochet Tunisian lap blanket, it would use some of my stash of yarn, but again I don't need one. I have one piece of even-weave which I use for cross stitching, I would like to use it for one last large project, another mix it up design, but my mind is not completely there yet. I am still doing my British Sign Language, I have found a set of video's called Commanding hands, which is taking me to the next level, I try and watch the same video a couple times a week.  

The weather has been much kinder this week, mostly we have had rain overnight, the days can be either bright and sunny or grey and not so dismal, but without the relentless rain it feels so much better. We popped to our local pub for a Sunday roast, which we enjoyed other than the frozen veg, we sat chatting with others for ages. Monday I did a deep clean of our bedroom and en-suite, it was good to know it was done. We were in the garden Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, just pottering and keeping up-to-date with task, most of the time I am moving pots, trying to get the balanced look I like, I had popped everything back as it was, the new space is so huge I want to use it all. 

Pilates was good, I feel so much better after doing these simple exercises, we have started going for local walks again, which we are both enjoying, building steps and strength, our Park is already looking lovely, the trees planted last year are thriving. 


  1. The flower is lovely, Marlene. And I especially like how you've used the different shades of green.
    I think it's great that you are continuing with BSL. I'd love to learn how to sign more. Xx

  2. It''s satisfying to learn new skills. I think your daisy will look just perfect - I like pink-tinged daisies.

  3. I think your flower looks very nice.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. I agree with Jan, I think your flower looks lovely.
      I enjoy seeing what you have fashioned through felting.

      God bless.

  4. Sounds like you've had a busy week. I too am not feeling very crafty at the moment. I haven't picked up my sewing in a week. Just not feeling it.

  5. Your pink tinged daisy is lovely, very pretty.



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