Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Starting a leap year.

 I saw this idea on another blog, 'my little jar of good things', each time something lovely happens in your life you make a note of it and pop it into the jar, another blog suggested you write a note each week. At the end of the year, you can spend time sharing memories of the good times from the year. I always keep these candle jars, this one will be perfect, added a few stickers I had.

Crafting, I have my knitted blanket to finish, I've done half the squares, a ball of sock yarn is ready for knitting. I have also been looking at my year wheel I started this time last year, I have been sketching, I'm hoping I can be inspired to get it done. My hexagons flowers sit and wait for inspiration, I am trying not to start anything new, it would be lovely to get one thing finished first.
Once the Christmas flowers and greenery are packed away, I have an empty vase on the small table by the patio doors, I could pack it away for a few weeks, but I want colour in our room, so it is tulip time again, far too early, they do brighten this corner. Completely soft plastic, but realistic, I got the red and white in February 2020, the pink/yellow ones I added last year, I do love to see these, they look very real.

We did stay up to watch the London fireworks, but only so I could sit with our cats as the local fireworks start, Grace our old lady slept through them all, she hates fireworks, these days she is going deaf, Purdy sat and watched them, so we were in bed by 12.30, evening just the two of us as we like it. 

Monday, I cleaned top to bottom, washed the wooden floors, packed away our Christmas cards, I have left little sets of lights around to brighten dark corners. I will give our kitchen a full clean, cupboards inside and out, I have an itch to sort, it's that time of year.

A new year, always makes me look at my crafting, and garden planning, I try and ensure I don't have too many unfinished projects, I do have a couple cross stich projects, not touched for years, I really should get rid of them, but they take up little space. I am going to book a couple more needle felting courses, making a rabbit and a bird, both half days and should help me increase my ability to make more animals. Hubby and I would like to find a local basket weaving class, something to do together. 

Both hubby and I decided we did not like our patio looking so bare, so we have moved some things back, not the wooden table and chairs, they can stay in the garage until drier days arrive, we both enjoy our view of the garden from the house. For now it's windy and storms, grey days and much cooler, we do have some colour outside.

We have not been far from our village since before Christmas, we are popping to town today to get my second pair of glasses, I will change the frames for a bigger pair as they are bifocals, I am struggling the the reading bottom half, watching TV is brilliant. If the rain is not to relentless I hope to get back home dry, daughter is coming over in afternoon,  Will starts back at school on Wednesday. 


  1. Your gratitude jar is a lovely idea. Keep it within easy reach so you can look in it if you are feeling blue.

  2. Your happy jar sounds like such a good idea. Being thankful for small things makes life so much more enjoyable and worthwhile.

  3. Basket weaving sounds like a lot of fun. I look forward to reading about that when you find a class. Thank you so much for linking my post. I really hope you enjoy your Little Jar this year. It's so easy to forget the small positive things happen throughout the year.

  4. What a good idea for the empty candle jars! I wish you all the best for 2024! Sal 😁

  5. I do love the jar idea...need to find the perfect jar for this somewhere in this house.

    I had forgotten that it was a leap year. An extra day, how lovely.

    God bless.

  6. Your tulips do look good and are so nice and colourful.

    All the best Jan

  7. Thanks Marlene, I'd not realised it was a Leap Year!

  8. Basket weaving is something I am very interested in. Hope you find a class and post about it! Just spent an afternoon tearing apart and reorganizing my craft room. Let's not talk about unfinished projects....!



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