Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Stage 1 done

The Tunisian crochet is done, 
this is a perfect size for a lap blanket, 
I have most of the joins at the back to sew in,
I have done a row of single crochet around the outside of the blanket in a new contrast colour.
I decided to make a knitted edge for this blanket, I used this style on my hand made cardigan seen here, it's a lovely neat finish which looks good on the reverse, it's a fiddly thing to do, but worth the effort. I have just started, so still loads to do. 
Lovely neat lines
I have 360grms of left over yarn, I purchased 100grms of the edging yarn, so I will have some of that to add to this pile, that's enough to make myself a colourful summer top. 
I have done the main body of this top, reaching 16", I now have to divide for the armholes, but first I am trying to work out how much yarn I need to finish the top, I am happy with the length, but if I am going to have yarn left over, I would rather use it now and length it by a few rows. If I get it wrong and run out of yarn, it will mean unpicking, but it's a risk worth taking. 

I did start the edging on my blanket and made good progress, but it was not neat enough, so I unpicked and decided to make a row of chains before knitting the edging, I am still not sure if this is going to work, if it does not work I have no idea how to finish it. I will have to speak to my niece who is a whizz at all things crochet.
It's raining again, all good for the garden, I managed to get the herb bed finished yesterday, I have also been reading, so plans for a couple days inside, only plan is to pop to greenhouse a few times to potter and smile, I love it in there. 
My lower back is sore again, not too bad, but enough for me to slow down, I have to learn I am not able to do the heavy work outside any more, starting to dig the passion flower out was too much for me, hubby did finish the task but I already had pulled it again. 
Hubby had an eye test yesterday, so I popped to town with him, I looked in TK Max and Wilkinson's, where I got loads of seeds for next year, they already had some reduced. I also got a lovely fake eucalyptus for £3 for my flowers vase, it looks perfect and finishes the display. We also managed to get hand soap, I have very sensitive skin and can't use loads of brands. Town was very quiet, each shop asked you to cleanse your hands before entering, I did not wear my mask, I always carry my homemade one with me, but it felt safe, most places were empty, it was early, but no plans to pop back.  


  1. Shopping must be a very strange experience at the moment. Glad you found what you wanted and got home safely again.

  2. Your blanket is gorgeous! I love the randomness of the colours. I hope you manage to work out an edging. Perhaps there's something on Youtube that might help. Best, Jane x

  3. Love your blanket, it reminds me of Elmer the patchwork elephant :-) Hope you work out the best edging for it, how about a icord edging?

  4. You blanket is lovely and you've chosen a great colour to edge it. Looking forward to seeing your orangy top completed.

  5. I do like your blanket …
    Look after your back …

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. Love Tunisian crochet, you've inspired me to go and fins my Tunsian Crochet hook

    Julie xxxxx



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