Knitting for Samuel has taken over cross stitch at this time, all I have to do with this first cardi is sew on the arm and do the button bands, my least favorite jobs! The ball of wall not used is for a second cardi, Fliss loves home knitted items and has not blue ones yet. Mum and Sam are doing well as is Josh, who is a very good big brother and Steve is looking after all of them, he is such a good dad and husband, a perfect little family, Nana is proud of them all.

Well it's November and will someone please tell my garden, in the photo below, my mini rose has two buds on it, the daisy is still flowering, but the maple has lost most of it's leaves.

The frost got to the flowers in my small front garden so I have planted some primroses and bulbs for the spring. My other front garden is doing well the fuchsia and other shrub I replanted has survived.

My back garden is still in full flower, the dahlia has been taken by the frost, I am waiting for this area to stop flowering so I can get to the ground and plant my spring bulbs and then cover the whole area with bark, I am hoping this will happen before the ground gets to hard.

Today is my last chemo, and I am feeling good, I have to take double tables for three days which stops me sleeping, but last night for the first time in my life I took sleeping tablets and I am feeling really good, I will only have them for three nights.
I am hoping my hospital visit will go well, I have loads to read in the waiting room, no appointment is ever on time, Kev gets upset for me if the wait is too long. I have further treatments in the new year but nothing as bad as the chemo.
I feel I have been lucky, whilst having side effects, being a stay at home lady it has helped me get over every thing, and Kev is a wonderful husband and is my daughters who have been there for me.
Hospital visit went well, was sorted within two hours, an all time record!!