Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 26 August 2023


 I love this plant, it's a Albuca Spiralis Frizzle Sizzle, I have had two different leaf growths since I purchased it, I had to check with Mr Google how to care for it, as it's a bulb. After it flowered I put it back into my greenhouse and let it die back, I leave any top growth, until it can be easily removed. I have a passion for different leaf shapes and textures and love these which naturally curl, it does look as if I now have a second plant in this pot, I will leave them grow and when they die back, I will renew the compost and pant into 2 pots.

Our daughter's post on Instagram

I am so annoyed, George and Molly both have bad colds, Molly is able to work her way through the germs, sadly George struggles, he had a bad night on Thursday, so mummy called her doctors surgery early Friday morning and was told a doctor will call. At 4pm she called the surgery again, she was worried as its a weekend and the surgery will shut for 3 days, and was curtly told the doctor will call, she was upset as this has happened before and did not get the promised call. We had a lovely time at our BBQ, the little ones were both tired, but played well, neither ate much. She left at 4.30pm, once home she got a call after 5pm and was told by the doctor, George needs to be seen and he has to be taken to A&E. George is 3, he has Downs Syndrome, with many breathing issues, when ill he deteriorates quickly, but yet again her useless surgery have let them down. I know doctors are over worked, but with his medical records, and past experiences, the doctors at this surgery never get daughter to bring George to them, they return calls later and just send him to A&E, why can't some doctors see sick children. I drove to daughters, so I could sit with Molly, Will was going to have a sleepover at ours, but he was upset and came home with me. It spoilt the day, thankfully the staff at our local hospital, QA at Portsmouth are brilliant, but it does take hours, so daughter came home exhausted. I know our world has changed, getting medical help is very mixed, we are lucky we have a brilliant surgery, shame daughters surgery, which is on the other side of town, is so poor, sadly it's the only surgery in her village. Luckily I don't drink when the children are with us, I had just poured a glass of red wine to relax after all the cleaning up from our BBQ, so I spent the whole evening baby sitting and worrying, it's a sad world when a sick child is let down so badly.

I got home just after 1am, so I am tired again today, daughter did not want to call 111 as they always send an ambulance, if they have to go to hospital she is able to drive him, it's not too far from their home. George slept better, he was just so tired, we are hoping the meds he has been given will help him. 


  1. It's awful Marlene, you'd think a sick child (and especially when the surgery knows the child's history and problems) would take priority. It's lucky you live fairly close and are able to help out as soon as needed. Exhausting for all of you though. I hope you all have a restful weekend.

  2. Poor little boy - I hope he recovers quickly. It's exhausting for everyone and takes a while to get over.

  3. We have come to the conclusion that some GP's just don't want to work anymore. It takes 30 mins here to get them to answer the phone and you've got to be at deaths door to get an appointment, we can't no longer walk in and book an appointment, and should you walk in there, there's no one in the GP's rooms, all the lights are off in them by 11 am. Lol we tend to do what my Grandson says and 'Google it Nan, Google it!'
    I hope your little Grandson makes a swift recovery and that you all feel better soon, Grandchildren are so precious CraftyNan

  4. Sending my good wishes, hoping the meds will help George.

    All the best Jan

  5. Hoping George is on the mend now. Doctors don't care for their patients like they used to, you have to fight for everything, I was having a similar conversation with my sister just today, my brother in law is not well and his care has been shocking at times. Its quite worrying really.

  6. Poor George, I hope he manages to get relief, and rest. The poor little guy. It is such a worry for all of you.

    God bless.



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