Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 30 March 2024

March round-up

 Another month where most of my spend is in the garden, I got a great bargain with some needle felting rovings, I am happy to be using my craft stash, it does please me to see it shrinking slowly. Again most of the garden purchases were for structure, I should not need any more compost or manure this year. I have over spent this month, but 2 metal Obelisks were needed for my raspberry bed. My wildlife pond added to this high total. Later in the year I do get a couple very low spend months which will balance my spending out.

It's been a very expensive month on the home front, with both a new cooker and fridge freezer, we had both in our previous house and we have been here over 14 years. Plus vet fee's for our dear Purdy, we cancelled pet insurance when both cats stopped leaving the garden, the monthly premiums were getting higher each year as they aged. Our trip away was not expensive, the hotel was paid for earlier this year, and we hardly spent anything.

Waste is as normal for our household, all the peelings go into our composter, along with coffee and tea, I cut the bags open, we only bin pepper and onion skins, neither is composted. 

My weight has gone the wrong way, this again has not been a good month, I decided to allow March to happen, Mothering Sunday and Easter, and start again in April, having said that my steps are much higher, best total for months, so something is heading in the right direction. 

Friday 29 March 2024


 I am pleased with this knitting, the back is almost finished, it's a jacket for my sister in law, I had to unpick her work as our tension was different. It does knit very quickly, but I find the knitting needles huge, I have one problem looming, I am sure I won't have enough yarn, I'm just finishing my 3rd 100grm ball. I have looked online and it's still sold, I will know soon how much more I will require.

I purchased this fabric a few years ago, I had a plan, which fell through, now I have a way to use it, I had two old pillows which I have pushed down into a square, and then use the fabric as a cover, these cushions are perfect for our garden. We don't leave out any of our cushions, so they should keep looking this good for the summer, they are a huge size and very comfortable.

I got some Easter shaped cookie cutters which are brilliant for needle felting, so I made a few designs, I do love the rabbit head, I am not following any video's, just making by eye, trying a few different roving's and methods. I had hope to have a few more finished, it's a job for today, was called to nana duties unexpected.

I knocked over this sweet pea stained glass flower and the top flower fell off, I have a small craft solder iron, and had a go at fixing it, I'm pleased to say it worked and I think still looks good. If I had messed up, hubby would have sorted it for me, he was busy in garage building my huge bughouse for the garden.

Whilst I had my sewing machine out, I stitched the badges on our neighbours son's cubs blanket, it's a simple job, I keep the colour in the machine bobbin the same colour as the blanket, and match the main reel to the colour of the badge. I really had fun with my sewing machine and should use it more, but I always need to pack it away  I sew on my dining room table, where we sit and eat every day.

I am again looking at my black spotty bag, I'm still not happy, the bag section is perfect, my fix works, but the round hand stitched flap is not right, I am going to look in my scrap box to see if I have anymore spotty material, I have an idea forming.

I'm not making any comments regarding this non stop rain, I hoped our spring was going to be warm, sunny and dry, having said that we have had a few dry hours for a couple of days.

Thursday 28 March 2024


 I got a few bits on our recent trip to Wales, I saw these lovely plant supports, which are just pushed into the ground, I have never seen these before, hubby picked up 2 for me. I have added the cost to my stash, which make my spend this month huge. We got them from Caerphilly garden Centre, which was a great place for good plants, and a nice café, I also got some plants which were superb quality.

Hubby's sister works in the local museum, she was working on Thursday, so we walked around to see loads of local history, we also got a tour of the overspill area, her role to to document all gifts, she was telling me about the items which they had far too many of, one being this shoe makers anvil, I remember seeing them being used as a child. It's quirky, just the thing I love, so I was given one, I could have had more or even an number of flat irons, but one will do, hubby has cleared the rust and painted it black, I will find a spot in the garden for it. The museum does has a policy of only keeping what they can use, this is always stated when accepting donations. 

I got this book whilst away, we read most evenings, again an author I have enjoyed before. From the first paragraph I was hooked, the style of writing was exactly what I love. The lady is a high class escort and sex worker, not normally someone I would be reading about, she is honest and amusing, she is telling you her story, dropping in her backstory along the way. The ending was good and sad as well, and totally unexpected. I really could not put this book down, book 24 read this year. 

I was very surprised on Monday afternoon,  home alone, sat drinking my coffee, watching the garden as I often do, when something different landed on our fence, I grabbed my phone and got just one photo before it flew off. It's not the best photo, taken through glass, I've pulled the image bigger, I have never seen a Hawk in our garden, it was very interested in something in nextdoors garden, we are a built-up area, a bit of excitement on a dull afternoon. 
This is Albuca bracteata pregnant onion, I saw it on another blog, I love an unusual plant and had a look online, I can't praise Mint plants enough, the plant was very well wrapped, in quality packing, the parcel arrived without damage. This plant is bigger than I expected, but that's OK, now I need to get it to grow it's babies. 

I want to start hardening off plants, some are big enough to go into the ground, but this cold wet spell is delaying everything, I'm not going to risk the plants, I have been growing them on for weeks, it is warm in the greenhouse, the window has automatically opened a few afternoons those days I also open the door. After a couple of dry days it's back to rain, the forecast have been slightly out, most mornings instead of waking to continuous rain, it arrives a few hours later, often the rain misses us completely, the winds change the direction of the clouds, but for now it keeps falling.

Tuesday the heavy rain arrived, we popped to Asda to get everything for the weekend, I may have purchased a small white jasmine for the garden, not sure where I can put it. I also got a small pot of sweet peas, I have a pot for them, I hope to get some blooms this summer, I chose the smallest pot, which I very carefully separated and potted them into tall root planters. 

I also remove the decorative stones and added good compost and popped back the stones in my pomegranate plant pot, it's full of buds, I don't think I will ever get any fruits, but it's a pretty plant and has earnt it's place in our garden. 

I am crafting this week, knitting, using my sewing machine and needle felting, photos soon, at this time of year I would rather be outside, but alas rain stopped play other than a short while where I can sort a few things, everything now is about new plants and seeds/seedlings.

Monday 25 March 2024


 I have been working in the back section of our garden, firstly I sorted all the soil needed for my carrots and my tomato plants, these are all in the greenhouse to help warm the soil up, hopefully I can plant a bit early. The red tub has carrot seedling growing, the orange bucket are for the next sowing, there is coir mixed in to make the soil lighter.
The walk way in front of the greenhouse by the fence is now sorted, the bag of top soil has been used and the bag washed and packed away, in the two green bags are my seed potatoes, one bag is about 3 to 4 weeks further along. The brown pot is my little lemon clematis and in the green tub is my cranberry plant, the grey pot behind has my mock orange plant in, which I am hoping will get huge this year, it's the only permanent pot in this space. 
Again I am showing you this pot, different blooms, I'm so pleased, the hellebore is huge, and the flowers are getting darker. Next to this which is not in my photo is my gooseberry bush, loads of lovely green shoots, and our 1st blueberry bush has loads of flowers, the 2nd bush is a later cropping one. The rhubarb is huge, but we can't pull any in this it's first year.  
I dug out my pond, and some of the plants behind, the peony is in hubby's front garden, it is perfect for a spot he had, and saved purchasing another plant. I have made the pond wider, and popped loads of little plants along the edge, I had 3 different grasses I used, giving loads of cover for any wildlife, along with the huge agapanthus, which will grow away from the pond. I need to line the sides of my pond, with flat long pebbles or slate, to hide the plastic, and now I can get a few plants for inside the water, this is still small with the bigger bowl sat just above. 

Sunday was a perfect day, dry and sunny, we went outside at 11am and stayed out until just after 4pm, we had lunch in the garden, a perfect day to get up-to-date with our task. We got the table and chairs out, hubby has refreshed the bench and chairs, I'm not sure what he will do with the table, our furniture only needs to last us this year, I have not as yet uncovered our Olive tree, I aim to leave the cover on for a couple more weeks.  

I have sown runner beans, leeks, loads of french marigolds, calendula and snapdragons, all in the greenhouse, I still have loads more to sow, but it's a good start, I hope to be outside in the greenhouse this week, it does not matter if it's raining. Most of the veg seeds will be sown straight into the ground, I have covers on my second raised bed, the soil should be nice and warm. Our broad-beans are full of flowers, but something has ate my broccoli plants, I will get another tray and pot them on and put them out once they are much bigger. I have found a huge plastic tub, so I think I am going to get some pea plants and grow up a wigwam, I have a perfect spot for them. 

It feels so good to be outside, dirty hands, starting things to grow, I am feeling so much better and a day gardening is always a tonic for me, dear hubby did loads of bits, and has done more to my huge bug house he is making. Most of my jobs can't be seen from the house, but it does feel so good to have them done, my shower felt fantastic, I normally watch how much water i use, but for once I stayed much longer. 

This morning is wet, heavy rain overnight,  its cooler and dull, so after a quick walk to the village, a day inside, maybe some crafting time this week.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Theres no place like home.

I got the bargain of the month off local Facebook market place, all three packs for £5, these sell at £5 each pack on the site I use, I had been looking for a mixture of greens, as I didn't have natural shades. I held back from ordering them as I would need to pay postage on top. I'm sure the pinks will get used, I can make more flowers. 
These blooms are again stunning, I love the colours, most of my house plants don't flower, I love the leaf textures and shades of green inside. This sits in our downstairs bathroom and even without blooms looks lovely, daughter gave me the pot for a birthday present a few years ago. I've seen an unusual plant I want to get, called a  Albuca bracteata, or a pregnant onion, I've ordered from here.
 Another brilliant author, I don't know why but I struggled with the first couple of chapters, after that it was good, a clever story of friendship and pushing limits, how our minds work and how we perceive things, until the epilogue, which threw me, weird to say the least. It's not put me off the author. Book 23 read this year.
My SIL had this bag of yarn, she had started knitting and struggled, she offered me the yarn to use, but I promised I would knit her pattern for her, she is very happy, it does not look to difficult and I'm happy to make it for her. The yarn is super chunky, with big needles, so it will grow quickly, it is dark, but I do have a good crafting lamp.
We have in our dining room a camera, which we can view from our phones, I have always checked in our our cats when away, Grace was OK the first couple of days, but on Thursday evening and Friday morning, she was sitting on our TV unit, not a place she normally sits. She was very vocal when we got back, it has only been two weeks since Purdy went, so maybe a bit too soon to leave her, but everything had been booked for ages. She had tin tuna when we arrived home, and then went for a long nap. 

We walked to the village shops on Friday afternoon to get a few bits of fresh food, then I was sat reading, I wanted to do a few bits, but Grace wanted me, she sat on my lap for ages, so I gave in and read. It was very grey and dull and much cooler, no rain thank goodness, I want to redo my wildlife pond, the water is not staying in the pond liner, so it will be easier to take it apart and relay it, I will move a couple of grasses there as well.

Saturday was bright sunshine first thing, the laundry was on the line blowing, I had thought I would be outside, but the wind was bitter, I did manage to dead head the daffodils, and potter in the garage, I'm  a fair weather gardener. We had showers later, so other then popping to village for some veg, we stayed warm and snug inside, and again with me having Grace on my lap. 

Today we have nothing planned, it should be cold and dry, so I'm not sure how much time I will spend outside, I've had a later start to the day, catching up on sleep missed whilst away, no plans, so a lazy day. I've just had an email, my needle-felting course booked for next Friday has been cancelled, that's a shame, I was looking forward to it. 

Friday 22 March 2024


 We have been away for a few days, back to Wales, staying locally to hubby's sister and brother, our trip primarily to visit hubby's elder brother after all the worry of his health in Spain, who is now back to brilliant health.
 Husband on one of our walks.
Hubby is from South Wales, his home town of Abertillery is full of coal mining history, almost every family had links to the pits.
In his grammar school years, there was a pit disaster at 6 bells pit,  this is a monument to those who never came home. It's only a few years old, set on the old mine location. 
Towering above everything, hubby is in photo for scale, his family had no loss at the time, hubby's dad would not allow any of his older brothers to work underground. Reading the names in the base is really sobering, I'm from Somerset, so this is all very different for me.
Just because it's pretty.
I love dry stone walls, 
and loved this bench.

We are headed for home today, an easy drive, motorway most of the way. Hubby enjoyed seeing his family, we bumped into loads of his school friends, so many people never left the valleys.  Loads of walking, a couple garden centres, and nice meals out, the weather gods were kind to us.

It's been a restful few days, just what we both needed, I check home and Grace each day, our lovely neighbour comes in to feed her and sits for a while. I have been reading your post but sadly not able to leave comments using my phone.

Now back to home life, family and gardens, hubby purchased me a lovely gift for the garden, photo in next post.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Another week.

A few years ago I made 3 pots of mixed spring bulbs, sadly 2 pots have broken and the contents added to the garden, this is the only pot left, the bottom is cracked and won't last many more years. Having said that it does look good, nice to see tulips, which I can only grow in pots. It sits in the back corner behind our red acer, so won't be seen the the summer months, when it's bare. 
Sunday was another fundraiser for our local Portsmouth Downs Syndrome charity, it was at our out of town shopping centre, we last attended this when George had his walking frame and Molly was in her pushchair, this time we walked much quicker, mummy had time to chat, as George was with me and hubby had Molly. George loved this guy, bringing Will to see his gun, they interacted for ages, Will is wearing his storm trooper outfit, so many children dressed up.
As always it's a family fun day, whilst raising money, loads of people stopped and donated, the Star-wars people always help out and always bring in the crowds, they are all lovely people who give the day for free and interact with everyone. So many children of different ages, from a baby dressed as Yoda to teenagers, one dressed as Princess Laya, it's nice to see faces we know and lovely for the new parents to see how other children thrive.

It's been a strange week, not seen much of daughter, she has been busy, normally she would pop over a couple of times, but the local roadworks makes it difficult for her, the journey times are now much longer, once or twice she has had to change her mind as the tailbacks were just too long. 

I was good on Sunday, Next had their sale, I did look, but nothing there I wanted, hubby found some tops, nicely reduced, so he got 4, hopefully some of the older ones will go in recycling. We had a relaxing afternoon together, even managed a coffee outside in a small burst of sunshine.

We have removed our winter quilt from our bed, for a lighter one, I have been waking up hot most nights, we both love the weight of our winter quilt, but it's time to start thinking warmer weather. Soon it will be sandal wearing weather, I can't wait to get my toes out.

I'm not settling to do much, not reading, definitely no cross stitch, can't concentrate, gardening when it's not raining, I have been cleaning and sorting inside, the lower half of the kitchen was cleaned, whilst the 2 old whitegoods were popped out on the garden. Hubby has been sorting the electrical socket issue in our sitting room, without lifting the wooden floor, but I have emptied my 3 units in the dining room so he could move them, everything got wiped before going back in. For not doing much, things are being sorted and cleaned. 

Sunday 17 March 2024


Our local village pet shop sells gardening items, including strips of plants, in previous years I have purchased bedding plants. I got 8 broccoli plants for £1.15, I don't eat broccoli, hubby loves it, I have planted 6 in the garden and these 2 in pots in greenhouse, just in case any fail outside. 
I wanted ground cover for the front if the rhubarb bed, these 3 should work well, I am so pleased as I was planting these 3, I noticed new growth on the gooseberry plant, I was not sure if it would grow back. I'm now hopeful it has survived and we might get a small harvest this summer.
I struggle to grow daisies in our clay soil, I got a new plant last year, I'm not sure if it will grow back, I saw this Aster and thought this would look good, I have grown Asters before, for now it's in the greenhouse, until its grown more.
I have been trying to design a frame for the raspberries, it needs to be tall and strong, we toyed with a wooden structure, but was worried digging in the uprights would damage some of my plants. Hubby saw these obelisk and we have decided they will work, one each end if raspberry patch, I will use string to join both and to make a structure the plants can grow up.

My tomato and cucumber seeds are now seedlings, they are in small pots, which means I don't need to do anything with them yet. I have flower seeds sown, it's feeling good, so much promise. I have loads more to start, exciting times. I've also worked out where everything will go this year.

It's been drier again, still having some rain, but not days rained out, I am holding off sowing anymore seeds for a week, we have a busy few days coming up and I won't be able to water and care for much, so better to wait. I am working on the wildlife pond, the liner has settled and the lower section is full of water, I do need to tidy the edges, I would like more bigger pieces of slate, which hopefully I can get in the coming days. Once it a bit warmer I will get plants for in the pond.

Did you see on TV news, a study says we should love slugs and snails, and allow them to live in our garden, they are part of the food chain and eco system, sorry, what, nope, I can't love either.

The electrical goods arrived and are working well, the fridge freezer is the same size as our old one, we have sorted all the food back inside, nothing out of date or opened too long. The cooker is also the same design with a gas hob and electric grill and ovens, so not much difference in it's use, the top is moulded in one piece, which means no joins which are a so and so to clean.  We did a shop at Lidl, so the freezer is now almost full, we also got a few Easter bits, as daughter, SIL and children will be here Easter Sunday for lunch and Easter egg hunt. 

Thursday 14 March 2024

Not doing much

This is so pleasing, Grace has took to this new basket in our office, she sleeps alongside us now most mornings, she is still following us everywhere, slowing getting use to being the only cat. She has always been my cat, but in the last few days she is going to hubby more, she knows he is missing Purdy, she has become vocal, chattering away through the day.

Mummy got Molly's fringe cut, her hair was always in her eyes, suddenly she looks so grown up, but to me this photo could be mummy, other than the blonde hair, Molly is just the same as her mum. The hairdresser did a pretty style and added the 2 daisy clips. George had his hair cut as well, he was not so happy, but did not cry this time, so an improvement. 

I'm going to have another go at growing peanuts, I manage to get this pack of Monkey nuts (it's an English term), the nuts grow underground much like potatoes, which I really find interesting. I will only use a few, so I will scatter the rest for squirrels, in hope they don't bury too many in our garden. I can't remember when I last tried this, could not find anything in my labels on the side of my page. 

This book has characters I already know, it was an earlier story than the one I had already read, which did not spoil the plot at all, again I love it. He is now on my good authors list, book 21 read this year.  I have already stated I have read book 21, but I made a miscount, and this is definitely book 21 read this year.

Another good book, I do love a book with an average person, who is thrown into a difficult situation,  this plot twist and turned, is other people good or bad, are they helping or not, loved it to the end. Book 22 read this year.

It's been mixed here, mad cat woman next door, decided last Friday night to have a pop at us regarding our back garden sensor lights, which have been in place for years, they are too bright for her, she will not close her bedroom curtains, we have both ignored her and not heard anymore, she does choose her moments. 

This week I worked on my 2022 book, adding another 2 months, I hope to have it finished before too long, we also defrosted our fridge freezer in the garage, it had been making strange noises, we then moved the kitchen fridge freezer out to the garage ready for a delivery of a new fridge freezer for the kitchen, neither of us wanted to wait until it fails, the freezer section is always full. In a mad moment we also ordered a new cooker, so both items are due today, and the old models will taken away, both were purchased at our old house, both served us well.

Bloody rain is keeping us inside, we do try and walk around the park most days and down to the village, its not as heavy as before. I am really starting to feel well, just so tired, I've not been to a Pilates class yet, hopefully by the end of the month. Today I have a parcel due to arrive, something hubby encouraged me to get, should be last big things for the raspberry bed in the garden.

Tuesday 12 March 2024


I planted these last week, the 3 packs other than red pompom dahlias all in raised bed in front of the greenhouse, dahlia's planted along the back, freesia's in the front corner, hopefully to give me some beautiful summer colour, the red pompom is in a pot in the greenhouse for now, I can cover the raised bed if frost is promised, so all should grow. 
When looking on my side of the garage, I do look like a real gardener, for years I would keep a bag of compost to use, and maybe a fine John Innes, these days I have many different compost, which I now mix for the conditions I require, are you a mixer or do use use as it comes. I do think we are doing better not using peat in compost, but it does make our compost lacking. 
This spot is outside the greenhouse in the rhubarb bed, the pot with the spring bulbs in will be used for a tomato plant in the coming months, the hellebore covers the front of the pot,  I am loving the primrose in the front of the bed, this one photo shows how I want this bed, mixed with flowers, fruit and tomato plants, whilst providing food to eat, I can still have the colour I crave. The old handle from my mum's fork has sat in this spot for years, sadly I have never seen a robin perch on it. 
The various fruits are doing well, I sorted my strawberry tub and added plants on bottom level, all babies from existing plants, the earlier blueberry has loads of buds, my rhubarb, I can't take any fruit in this it's first year, I have a wire fence around it to keep pest away. I have raspberries coming up, I will need to build their frame soon, the blackberries are beginning to bud as well. I also have flowers on my broad beans, so much promise to come. 
In the greenhouse my plants are a good size, these were purchased small to grow on before planting out, I'm not sure what's in the twiggy pot, I've put it here in case it's something which will grow again, I'm sure it was something I put back into this pot last year. The Amaryllis had a new bud, I cut off the 2 which refused to grow. I have been sorting the greenhouse, making enough room for the busy weeks ahead. I have moved my green tub here for now, we can see the bulbs from the house and garden, with so much rain, I don't want the bulbs to rot.

I have planted one potato bag, it's in the greenhouse for now along with a tub full of carrot seeds, hopefully I can get an early start, we have had a few light frost, but my greenhouse is in a sunny position, I have raised both off the floor. I have already sown little gem lettuce in my raised salad bed, which is covered with glass, I have started tomato and cucumber seeds, these are in my office, the warmest place in our house, I gave all my seed trays a good watering, so I can soon start filling them. 

I had this post partly done on Wednesday evening, last week whilst the sun shone I was outside most days, my garden section in the garage has had a good sort and clean. Now again we have rain, everyday rain, it's again so dull and grey, hopefully for only one week, I have cabin fever. 

We purchased a new cat basket for here in the office, we spend time in here most mornings, it's always sunny and warm, Grace is wandering around under our feet, we are terrified we will step on her,  hopefully the basket will keep her near to us in a sunny warm spot. We popped to town on Monday morning and she was sleeping in the new bed when we returned, everything at this time is about keeping her happy.  

Sunday 10 March 2024

Mothering Sunday

On Friday we had visitors, mummy and daddy came with George and Molly, we were happy with the diversion, so loads of happy smiles, we played outside for a while in sunshine, it was cooler, but running around kept us warm. George was happy to wave goodbye to them and happily played with puzzles, he enjoys them and is not so frustrated any more. 
Hubby got me some lovely flowers, I don't purchase cut flowers anymore, but he decided these would add colour to our room, they are lovely, I do have my cards up, daughter gave me a gift voucher for a local garden centre, they have very good quality plants. Hubby also got me a few bits for the garden, none of them a surprise, all required and will be used.
This cactus flowered last November, it sits on our downstairs bathroom window sill, it's a sunny spot, it did flower more than once last year. I almost moved it to the kitchen window sill, but decided it should stay where it is. Last year after it bloomed I turned the pot around the the other side bloomed, I will do that again, just waiting to see these lovely flowers again. 
Another good book, it started as a husband and wife story, but grew to involve other women the now ex-husband was using, a good plot, clever story, I enjoyed reading it. I have read this author before and always enjoy her stories. Book 21 read this year. 

George was very good, we had dinosaurs in our bathtub, loads of splashing, and after reading books he was tired, he did get up a couple of times before settling, which is normal for him. He slept all through the night, Grace did not have a good night and wondered all through the house, she woke George and myself about 6am. Mummy came and collected him on her own, so we had a lovely chat with her. The afternoon was quiet, Grace was following me around, so I sat and read with her on my lap.

Thank you for your kind comments, it's is hard to lose a pet, Purdy was the younger of our two, so our focus had been on Grace and ensuring she was OK, cats do mask their illness, we were unaware of any issues until Monday evening, on Wednesday evening we knew she needed help and called the next morning. Our vets were wonderful, she immediately saw the issues, and scanned Purdy to see what was happening, Purdy had heart and lung issues which gave us no choice on the outcome. We had made a agreement  many years ago, any decisions would always be based on their health and not our feelings. We do not have any cat insurance, we stopped a few years ago, when both cats stopped going outside our garden, the prices were rising very fast for older cats, and we had never made a claim, hubby walked to vet to pay our bill, they were lovely, told him he could have waited until the following week.  

Friday 8 March 2024


I have always loved this photo, she has always tucked herself back, watching what is going on around her.
Loves to sleep on the corner of our rug.
Always out in the garden with me.

We are now a one cat household, Purdy started acting differently on Monday, her breathing was different, but in every other way, she was herself, by Wednesday evening she was in her basket and not wanting to come out. Thursday we booked her into the vets, where immediately the vet wanted to do a scan, our lovely lady was truly unwell. The vet suggested at her age, and her symptoms, realistically there was little she could suggest. So we came home without her, I sat with her for the final injection, not an easy task, but I could not let her be alone.

She came to us as a stray, took time to settle as a house cat, but became part of the family, though younger than Grace, she soon became her protector, keeping other cats out of our garden. Always followed me out into the garden, again watching me, coming closer at coffee time for lots of love. 13 years she lived with us, each day a pleasure to have her.


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