Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 20 September 2024

Who am I

Both husband and I recently did a My Heritage DNA test, I wanted to find more about where I come from, both my parents are no longer with us, so I'm not able to ask questions, most of our family live in a small area of Somerset where I was born. I am not going to delve into our family tree, hubby's brother is doing his family and it's a full time thing for him. 
So my results are in, the Scandinavian bit was a surprise, but I have always wondered about eastern Europe, as my mum loved names from that region, I have brother called Ivan, My sister is Lena and my name Marlene. 
So my ancestors were from southern England and Wales area, which is all put into one section which is slightly misleading titles Irish, Scottish and Welsh, at this level it does not breakdown any further.
Then I read below, so my part of heritage probably comes from when the UK was still attached to Europe, these are the average results for UK.

I already knew my niece, who started doing her family tree a few years ago and gave up, I have loads of extended family in America, I know mum's older sister lived there, a cousin visited us when I was about 7or 8, so I was aware of family there. I don't intend to take this any further, I checked the profiles on the 7 extended families and none of them are actively working on their profiles. 
Hubby results were more simple than mine, he does have a huge Welsh heritage.

The website wants me to pay more to get more details, but as I'm not taking things further, I won't be adding to their profits, I have received emails reminding me I have matches and encouraging me to click and find out more, if they get too much I will un subscribe from the site. These kits were half price, but still £35. Was it worth it, hubby say's no, my results confirmed what I believed, but with no one to ask about previous generations, it's as far as I go, after all it was just a bit of fun. 


  1. I think "a bit of fun" is the best way to treat these DNA tests. They seem to be so popular at the moment, and a lot of people get hooked up on them.

  2. Yes we all seem to have mixed heritage Marlene. I am half Irish and half English. My great grandmother came from Wrexham in North Wales and my mothers maiden name was German.



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