Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday 30 September 2024

September round-up

 Another good month, I purchased 3 balls of yarn for my blanket, I also got 2 balls of 2ply yarn for socks, I love my thinner ones, my garden was a low spend, just some shorter poles and a few plants and spring bulbs, my spending is back to it's normal levels.

I have purchased two new pairs of jeans, mine were looking old and I wanted to come away from skinny legs.

A good household month, nothing broke or needed replacing, I have started adding extra bits in my shopping basket, I have all the ingredients for my christmas cakes, and we have a good supply of cleaning items, toilet rolls, I like to shop this way, so in the final 3 months of the year, I have a bit more spare cash for the expensive christmas season, my god, I've said the 'C' word twice. 

We had a disaster last Sunday the kitchen freezer door had not been closed properly,  the bottom two baskets were OK, in the top one the contents had defrosted, mainly ice cream and lollies, we used two packs of bacon and one pack of sausages, but threw away a few bits. Luckily in this basket we mainly had part packs, but we will have to be careful with the freezer door. No other waste, we follow a careful regime of portion size, and cooking only what we need.

My weight, nothing to say, it's the same ongoing battle, your kind comments on last months post were very welcome. My fitbit is not connecting to my phone again, I get this issue with every model I have, I have decided not to purchase another, they are expensive and if they are not lasting much longer than a year, it's a waste. I have found out my watch to wear again.


  1. It's a nuisance when the freezer is left open accidentally. That's where chest freezers are useful. It's so obvious if they're left open!

  2. Luckily, we've never left the freezer door open but Mick's forever leaving the fridge door open. It beeps when it's been left open so we always catch it. I wonder if they put these type of alarms on freezers too, if not, why? I've bought some new clothes this month, a couple of jumpers and a new coat. I could do with some new trainers too. I don't mind spending on clothes when I need to as I buy very little. I hate clothes shopping!

    1. It's only a few months old, so sadly no alarms, we check it constantly through out the day.

  3. Your very well organised especially running the household costs.

  4. Very annoying when that happens. I've done it myself several times over the years. Glad you were able to save/use most things.

  5. Glad you discovered the freezer issue before everything had defrosted. I think it is a disaster most of us have experienced at some stage - so annoying, and so horrible to deal with.

  6. That was good you spotted the freezer door issue and were able to salvage most items.

    All the best Jan

  7. We have trouble with our fridge door and I have found it slightly opened on a few occasions. So far things have been okay but I have a bad feeling that one day our entire fridge will have to be cleared out. Wow, you really did not spend much at all on your yarn or garden this month at all.

    God bless.

  8. Well done on a good fiscal month. I've had a good month this last month too, which is a relief.



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