Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Garden dreams

The garden is untidy, we had a delivery of fence panels and post on Friday, we moved the bench, hubby propped the panels along the garage wall and painted them, 3 times. Pots are all popped up by my greenhouse, it's messy up there. Nothing much on the metal table, it's too wet for my summer pots to come out of the greenhouse.
The bench will stay here, to stop me from tripping over the post and kick panels, everything will be fitted on Tuesday. All the bulb leaves are going over in the side bed, soon I can get some plants in, I just want to see colour.
I just love this tiny section of the garden,
it makes me smile every time I pass. 
New strawberry tower is much better, I have stronger healthy plants with loads of flowers, 5 levels, a total of 16 plants, I have not put strawberries in the bottom layer, I have a few rockery plants there. 
All these were cutting, which I popped into my Sphagnum moss, which I keep very wet with rain water, it's in a big plant pot saucer in a corner of the greenhouse, and is thriving and roots the cuttings quickly and strongly. I got just one packet of moss from a licenced supplier in Northumberland a couple years ago, it is going to last me years, 

We spent Friday morning in the garden, I planted some bedding plants in the old herb garden, I also potted on a few plants, my new Azealia was pot bound, so I was pleased to get it sorted, the plant has loads of buds on. It looked like rain,  so we rested inside all afternoon, me sewing hubby reading, no rain it just got really cool.

I have mentioned before I dream of my perfect garden, which would mean the garage knocked down and a new building which incorporated a greenhouse and potting shed, along the back fence, it's never going to happen, but I can dream. One job hubby wants done next year is to remove all the decking and have paving, which is making us think, sadly we rarely use the wooden table and chairs on the decking the flies and smell from next door is bad in the sunny hot weather. 

So being me I threw a completely new idea to hubby, which moves the patio to infront of the garage, on the other side of the garden, just have a wide walk, in paving outside the patio doors, and move the lawn down closer to the house and make it wider, with a flower bed at the back. That would give me more space at the back of the garden, room for a couple of small raised veg beds. 

Hubby is still talking to me, we have paced it out, it could work, we could reuse the decking boards to make raised beds, use some of the fake grass for paths in the veg section, lots of the work we could do ourselves. Just new paving and grass, all costing a bomb, so we would have to save like mad. If it went ahead I would want it done next spring, so I can move plants before they are in full growth, hubby is still talking to me, I can see him working out how much work it would take. 


  1. That's the way to get things done, plant the seed of an idea, let it sit there and it becomes their ideaπŸ˜…πŸ˜… I'll be in the garden later, today was supposed to be the better of the two days but its very overcast here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend

  2. Everything is looking really good. We have so much work to do in our garden to get it looking better. Ideally I'd like brick paths laid all around the raised beds instead of the bark we currently have that disperses as the dog runs around. It's nice to have dreams of what you want to do and bring them to life. Good luck with yours.

  3. Although it’s a lot of work, you would get such enjoyment from the rejigged sitting space. Go for it! Catriona

  4. There's much work to do in a garden. One must love it, even be passionate about it in order to achieve one's dream of an almost perfect garden.

  5. Sounds like you may have a good idea there :)

    All the best Jan

  6. Such a wonderful garden. Everything looks so healthy. I hope you get the new seating and some raised veggie beds.

    God bless.

  7. You have some great ideas for the garden. Wishing you well with your plans.



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