Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday 3 May 2024


 I have planted loads in this bed, 2 lupins, a white aster, hollyhock, foxglove, delphinium, scabiosa and a penstemon, most purchased as nice sized plants, I moved my red rose from this bed, it was not thriving. This is a deep bed, so with all these new plants I am hoping for a busy tall back section, I have calendula for the middle section and bedding plants for the front. I planted a big daisy last year and I'm hoping it will grow again this year. I also got a saxifraga with tiny white flowers, but I cut the plant in half, they are in my greenhouse for now. 

I put the red rose in the middle of my new back flower bed, I can see already it is growing, I dug out a lavender and a hellebore which I have not planted, it's small, I don't need it so I will pass it to my sister along with a pieris, which I had in a pot. I have ordered 10 small plug plants, Erigeron karvinskianus Profusion, or Fleabane, which have tiny pale daisy like flowers, I want them along the front of this bed, should fill the space and look good, they also self-seed and return each year. 
I finally spent my gift card from my last birthday, so more plants for the garden, some seeds and lettuce plants, my lettuce seedlings are still a bit small. We went to 2 local garden centres, I had £40 for one and £10 at another.
I'm going to try and grow horseradish, I got a couple of roots, only hubby eats it, so I don't need much, but I do need a cheap bucket to grow it in, like mint if put in the ground it spreads. We also go a couple packs of half price gladiolas, hubby will plant in his front garden, he loves the tall blooms.

I am moving away from loads of bedding plants which need to be replace twice a year, summer and winter, perennials and shrubs are more widespread in my garden, I often get them early in the season and grow them on to a great size before planting out. Bedding plants will always fill gaps and add colour, but not so many, I'm looking for less work in my flower beds. 

Plants in the greenhouse are starting to move out, I still have seedlings and tender plants in there, I have planted most of the small plants I grew on, purchased from the village pet shop. I have one cucumber plant ready to go outside, I will wait a couple more weeks, the other plant is not dong well, I will sow a few more seeds. My 3rd tomato plant is growing, I thought I had lost it, but with a bit of care, it's surviving. 

Thank you for all your kind comments, I am keeping busy in the garden, finding things to do, hubby is so kind to me, understanding I need some time, Grace had a huge chuck of my life, she was my lap cat and it's hard to sit still, she won't be forgotten anytime soon. 


  1. We try to grow perennials, so that there's always something flowering in the garden.

  2. I am always propagating perennials and growing vegetables.

  3. You've been busy in the garden it's looking good.

    All the best Jan

  4. Look at how wonderful your garden is going to be. I am hoping to get into mine very soon. Though most of mine is containers of one sort or another.

    God bless.

  5. I always enjoy seeing your garden, Marlene. I still grow a lot of annuals myself but have tried some perennials as well. Always too much of everything though. I never learn. Like you I am starting to move things out of the greenhouse now. I will be interested to see how you get on with the horseradish. Thinking of you.



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