Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 29 March 2014

Garden post

Our fence has been replaced, so the garden is private again
 Looking back towards the house, hubby is treating the garden furniture, 
he has the decking to do as well.
 1st greenhouse,  full of flower seedlings, and my twisted willow.
 2nd greenhouse, with salad and veg seedling, and a few plants.
 My tubs, two planted the others waiting, should be in use within 4 weeks, 
the tubs in front will have flowers in.
 Strawberries with a Jasmine growing up the fence.
 My Acer, with my mint garden in the sink
 All the pots are off the decking until hubby has done all the cleaning and protecting.
 My herb garden, almost everything survived the mild winter, 
I have a hosta in the chimney by the tree.
 Going green, these are ready for my carrots
 It was all to much for Grace
I have had a perfect 4 hours in the garden this morning, I feel I am up-to-date with every thing.
I walked to the shops and wore my sandals, so it's been a nice warm day.
Tonight I will cook for hubby, a stir fry with bean shoots, veg and noodles, with salmon wrapped in smoked ham and a sweet chilli sauce.
Tomorrow, Su and David will be with us for lunch, and Fliss and the boys will pop in later after their mothers day lunch.
Perfect Weekend

1 comment:

  1. Just how jealous am I . . . we got about 1/2 to 1 inch of snow last night. we had enough that the street department was out in the middle of the night plowing the streets.

    Now, the sun is out and the snow will, probably, be melted away before we go to bed.

    This, to me, is the worst part of the year . . . our backyard becomes mud and, poor Indy, has to have her feet cleaned off every time she comes inside :(

    Your garden looks great. We need to get some top soil delivered to our front yard to get rid of the tracks left by the backhoe that was used to dig up the broken water pipe we had. Best thing about it, we get to refigure the front garden. Worst thing, we lost out miniature butterfly bush.



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