Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 7 August 2024


 It's begonia time, I love these beautiful plants, almost all are grown in tubs, the blooms can be very different with shapes and colours, as are the leaves, it's a really good all round plant. The two big plants in the blue pots are popped into my greenhouse each winter, the rest stay outside in their pots.
As the summer progresses there are more blooms, the roses are on their second flush, as is one lupin plant, fuchsia's are coming into bloom, I have three plants, I have grown asters for the first time this year, grown from seed, they are filling my side bed. 
My first dahlia bloom, I love the pompom style, there are loads more buds on this new plant. I have other colours, hopefully to come, the later summer blooms are here in full colour.
This bed is now everything I want it to be, the fleabane daises, whilst not at full height this year, do give the look I want, simple style, no bedding plants, loads of spring flowers, the gladiola along the fence have not done so well, I will give them one more year to see if they all bloom.

My garden is messy, I've neglected it for a week, today I want to get outside today, we had rain yesterday, so the ground is going to be soft, a morning outside will make me feel so good. I have been reading your posts, not making too many comments, life is very busy and full on here, I'm not complaining, but our slow pace of life has been suspended until after the school holidays.


  1. Your blooms are very pretty.
    This year is my first time with begonias. I had a couple of empty pots on my patio crying out for something pretty and saw a tray of six begonias for £2.90 in the Co-Op. I am very pleased with them.

  2. Everything in the garden looks lovely and so colourful. It will still be there when the children go back to school.

  3. Begonias were my grandmother's favourite flower :)

  4. Look at all those lovely blooms.

    God bless.

  5. It's lovely to have so much colour in the garden. My dad grew dahlias, so many people commented on them as they passed the garden as they were beauties. I'm so sorry to hear about Minty in your last post, so very sad.

  6. The summer holidays can be challenging for any parent/grand parent and especially so for single mums. I loved the time with my daughter, but it felt quite exhausting at times, as I felt under pressure to entertain her every day. With hindsight, I should have tried to be more relaxed and let her get a bit bored, as it never did me any harm as a child, when my mum worked full time, but at the time it made me feel guilty if she was bored, so I tried to fill up the time with activities. I think I was trying to compensate for her being an only child. We had lovely days out though. Gardens can be so therapeutic though can't they. I hope you still get time to enjoy yours.



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