Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday 14 December 2023

What day is it?

 This is her (J K Rowling) latest book in the private detective Cormoran Strike series, almost 1000 pages and again a good read. Hubby gave me the book for my birthday, I normally try not to get new books, but I could not wait to read it. The plot was very good, centred around a big investigation, with smaller ones along the way. Again well written, clever plot interwoven with his and his partner's private lives, which are not simple. Book 36 read this year.

We are having more issues with the house electrics, the sockets are still working OK,  now if we turn on some lights they trip the switch, not every time. We have someone calling in on Thursday, hubby is convinced its the consumer box, which the previous owners moved at some point.

I don't have much more to say, I've been unwell since we returned home, I've not left home for days, no energy to do anything. Getting up late and going to bed early, after having flu and lingering cough,  I've been unwell for almost 4 weeks, I had enough. I've not ate much since last Saturday, I'm hoping the scales will show my silver lining.  

I missed the carol service on Sunday morning, an afternoon sightseeing in London, the last get together of sign group this year. I can't help daughter out this afternoon, she has worked other plans, I am dressed this morning, not bothered with breakfast. Our landscaperis not here today, he has a family day planned, most of the paving has been done, it's looking good.

I'm hoping to finish the 3 Christmas cakes by the weekend, nothing much else to do. I'm hoping to spend time with daughter, George and Molly on tomorrow,  I do need to do simple normal things.


  1. Sorry to hear you are still not well-I never think the weather and dark days help at this time of year. We had our consumer box replaced last month (£700) as it was causing problems and tripping out various things. Catriona

  2. Sorry to hear you are still suffering. I hope you improve very soon and also that your electrical troubles are sorted. Keep warm, drink plenty.

  3. Your illness and tiredness sounds so much like the results of Covid. Have you tested for that? Will have to check out that series of books. Sounds like what I like to read. Issues with the wiring is scary. Hope you get it sorted soon.

  4. There is much illness around at the moment I fear...tis the season in more ways than one...rest up and hopefully...soon...you will be feeling much better. x

  5. Sorry to read you are still feeling under the weather, I do hope you improve very soon.

    All the best Jan

  6. I am so sorry that you are still unwell. Rest, drink lots of fluids and just do what you have the energy for.

    God bless.

  7. These viruses seem to be taking an age to clear up and at such a busy time of the year when we need as much energy as possible. Get well very soon my friend x

  8. I bought this book for my husband and he thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  9. Sorry you are still not well. You've certainly had your fair share this last few weeks. I really hope that you are feeling better in time for Christmas.



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