After a very busy week at work, and a nightmare Friday never to be repeated,
we have had a lovely slow couple of days.
Joshy and Fliss are staying the weekend with Grandma and Grandad, so no smiles and little voice telling us of wonderful things seen and done, whilst playing in our garden.
The image below is a cow Joshy made for me using pipe cleaners, I think mummy gave him some help, I'm glad to say the love of craft run's through us all,
this has front spot in my collection of silly cow's.
Kev worked all day Saturday, I had the most wonderful day doing nothing, it took all day and was the perfect thing to do on a sunny day. After a very restful day we went out for a meal.
My batteries are now recharged.
Today we have been working outside, Kev has cut the hedge and lawn, both now looks great.
My seed's are becoming plants, just popping out from the soil and stretching
towards the light, with the promise of colour and smells of the summer.
I hope they will be ready for planting out in three weeks at the end of May,
any earlier and there is still a chance of frost.
I have a peony which came from my mum's garden, when we dug it up, we split it three ways and both my sisters have a plant each, mine is in a tub, our house is for sale and I don't want to leave it behind. I love the large red flowers, so huge and bright, I can remember it always in the corner of our front garden, when the summer days were always hot and sunny, with lot's of laughter and fun.
Today for the first time I washed my car by hand, I've had it 4 years and always have taken it to the car wash, so if it rains or even thunders tonight it's my fault and I'm sorry, but the water will do good for the gardens.
I'm off time to do some more to my cross stitch, it's looking good and now I'm in a hurry because I have found another carpet to stitch for my doll's house.
we have had a lovely slow couple of days.
Joshy and Fliss are staying the weekend with Grandma and Grandad, so no smiles and little voice telling us of wonderful things seen and done, whilst playing in our garden.
The image below is a cow Joshy made for me using pipe cleaners, I think mummy gave him some help, I'm glad to say the love of craft run's through us all,
this has front spot in my collection of silly cow's.
My batteries are now recharged.
My seed's are becoming plants, just popping out from the soil and stretching
towards the light, with the promise of colour and smells of the summer.
I hope they will be ready for planting out in three weeks at the end of May,
any earlier and there is still a chance of frost.

I'm off time to do some more to my cross stitch, it's looking good and now I'm in a hurry because I have found another carpet to stitch for my doll's house.
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