The garden is looking tidy, which is the best I can expect at this time of year. I have moved my spring pots onto the table, so we can see them from the house, just to add some colour, I have a pot of snowdrops by the other corner of the lawn.
I did not expect these daisies to stay green all through the cooler months, I will give them a chop soon as I have loads of smaller spring bulbs which should come back this year.
Veg beds are productive, I still have a few leeks to pull, the onions look good as does the broad beans. I already have plans for the summer growing produce.
I have pots everywhere with signs of bulbs growing, this cider pot is my favourite, it has mixed spring bulbs and a daisy, should look good most of the year.
Hubby said I butchered this olive back in the summer, but look at it now, it's a great size for the pot and so dense, I've not covered it as our night time temperatures do not get that low, I do have a cover should I ever need it.
The hellebores are very pretty this year, I have two other plants still in bud, these are always the first new growth and colour in my garden.
I was outside for just a while, checking the greenhouse, everything inside is doing well, I moved all my spring pots from behind the garage, where they rest when not in bloom. The garden needs a sweep around to collect leaves, for now I have decided to let them lie, it might help all the bugs.
Daughter slept over Saturday night, we watched a film together, shared a curry and a couple bottles of red wine, as much as we love our grandchildren, having her to ourselves is brilliant. Her ex slept over with the children, Sunday we had the day together, she did go for a long walk along the shore, she is walking as part of her fitness program. Tonight we are having a lazy evening together, watching Pottery throwdown. We are also enjoying the third series of Traitor's, neither can decide who we would like to win, I'm leaning towards Alexander.
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