Lilly is 12 weeks old, so first visit to the vets for her in a few days, I've lost the bottom shelf here on my craft trolley, she loves to tuck herself down there, so I moved my bits, popped in some dense foam, covered with a towel and the felt scraps she loves. She rest here when we are sat at our computers, which is most mornings.
We have random boxes around the house, this one is in our office, which again she loves.
Not a great photo, once it was the grandchildren's toys, now it's cats toys, plus a box and a deflated balloon. No point in packing them away, she loves our wooden floors as she can slide along them.
This was my lovely healthy spider plant, it had wonderful babies on a long stalk, all in past tense, Lilly has been playing, the babies are now in water in hope they root, and the plant has been moved into the kitchen.
My back is much better, I have started morning stretches on my journey to fitness, I hope to start my Pilates routine next week, I have notes on the first classes I went to and will follow them for now, I have also found some short video's from the NHS. The hope is to walk each day and make the walks longer as I get fitter.
We are still doing very little here, our bedroom needs decorating soon, but we will wait until the weather is a bit warmer and we can work with the windows open, we have a half stud wall to build then it's just normal painting and a new carpet. The bedroom is the final room in the house, so other than our wooden floors (needs to be done in hot summer months) which needs sanding and re-varnished, the house is sorted, so a much easier year for us.
We popped to town on Tuesday, nothing much we needed, more a chance to get out and about, we did stop for a coffee, it was dry and less grey. Today the weather is the same, rain is due and then on Friday storm Eowyn, again we should be on the outer edges of the storm and miss the worse it will bring, no plans for the rest of the week.
I think Lily has excellent staff!