Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Monday, 4 September 2023

Home and away

I have book 2020, it was not easy to produce, reading each post as it edited into the book was hard, these are my words, my thoughts, I'm glad it's printed, I'm now off to read it, which I do with each of my year books. The cost of printing is much higher, but so is everything else, I do aim to print a few more years, I am finishing proof reading 2021 and I have started importing 2022.
We popped to our local Home bargains, it's a confused shop, with garden, Halloween and Christmas all in full retail mode, I had hoped they would have spring bulbs, I think I have enough now, unless I see anything different. I always say I have enough and then get more. There were many gaps on the shelves again, a few things we could not get.
These pansies are very strong looking, I will pot them up for a few weeks, they will then be planted in the back garden and the old herb bed, both need winter colour. I hope like previous years they grow huge. The old herb bed has already died back, so I can plant whenever I feel the pansies are big enough. I have begonia bedding plants in the garden, which I will move, they often comeback a second year if wintered in pots.
Another messy visit, toys everywhere, along with laughter, it was nice so outside play time was included, we poured water on the path and the two little ones had loads of fun splashing, both ran around without nappies as Molly has decided its potty time. Lovely photo with youngest daughter, little ones had dirty faces after eating chocolate birthday cake. We will be outside as much as we can, September hopefully will give us the final days of summer, I'm not ready for cooler days started with misty mornings. I also think we have had our due rain, so please stay drier. 

It was hubby's birthday on Saturday, 74, how can that be, I'm truly lucky as he is healthy and strong, he does have heart problems, having had a heart bypass a few years ago. Daughter came with Will, George and Molly, birthday cake was ate, with 'free from' cakes for the two little ones, lots of laughter and fun, I used last year's card again, it's fun to add messages, we both reuse cards to each other, much to the amusement of family. I have struggled to find him a gift, there is nothing he wants, luckily he found a smaller camera bag, his is huge and heavy to carry when full.

Whilst you are reading this, we are away, booked 2 nights in south London, just a short bus ride from Kew Gardens, which I have never visited before. I'm excited as the weather is promised good for today, which means we can walk around at our leisure. Its our 37th wedding anniversary on 6th so this trip is our gift to each other, as well as the plants we both love photography, I will post photo's, lots of them soon. 


  1. Hope you enjoy Kew - it's a lovely place to visit and one day is never long enough. The sun is shining so you should have a lovely time.

  2. Happy Anniversary on the 6th. Enjoy Kew, not been for years, itโ€™s a bit of a trek from Cornwall!

  3. We've just come back from the garden centre and they have loads of Christmas suff out but hardly any Autumn things. Shops seem to skip a season this time of year, which is sad. Have a lovely break and happy anniversary for the 6th.

  4. Happy Anniversary wishes for the 6th of September.
    Enjoy your break away.

    All the best Jan

  5. I was lucky enough to visit Kew Gardens a few years ago with my son. I remember a lot of walking, and sadly rather a lot of shut off places. x

  6. A belated Happy Birthday to Hubby and Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you enjoy your few days away.

  7. A very happy anniversary! Lucky you, going to Kew! I went many years ago when it cost one penny to go into the gardens! Have a really lovely time! ๐Ÿ˜



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