Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Late September garden

This little half pot is years old, I think it's designed to hang on a wall, I prefer it on the ground, with tiny blooms in, it has done well all summer, soon I will move this plant to a raised bed in hope it survives our winter, it won't survive in here. As yet I have never found anything which loves flowers to live in this pot through the cooler wet months. 
My begonia's are mostly doing well, the two chimney pots have finished, I think maybe a pigeon landed on them, as the blooms stems were flattened and broken on both pots. These will just keep going until the frost arrive, and then disappear back into their pots until next year. Only one of these will go into my greenhouse, I have already popped another in there with my geraniums, which  also hate being cold and wet.  
There are still loads of blooms around the place, the fuchsias are all doing well, these coleus won't last much longer, I have taken a cutting from each to grow as a houseplant this winter, they are very easy to root in water. This bed by my back door will be dug out in the next couple of weeks, ready for the new ground works. 
My blackberries and raspberries are both still giving small harvest, enough for popping on my porridge most mornings. I have picked loads of tomatoes, soon I will pick the green ones to ripen inside. This side of the garden is closing down again, I have been very pleased with every thing this year. 
Our Magnolia tree is blooming again, we always have the blooms before the leaves in spring, that's when the tree turns pink, we do have a few blooms most of the summer, it is a healthy tree. Hubby cut it back last month, just before the rains came, with the mixed weather this year came loads of new growth. We are going to cut the top, to keep the tree a nice size, so with loads of new growth comes these blooms. 
My daughter passed this book to me as a good read, she was not wrong, it started much as a love story, in a very modern way, which is not normally my type of read, but as it was recommended I kept going. I'm not saying anything regarding the very clever plot, all through the book it was very entertaining, just lives revealing themselves, I will look for more of her books, book 30 read this year.

Saturday night I slept over at daughters, her college friends were having a night out, her hubby was in Japan with F1 IT team, so I happily helped out. None of her three sleep past 6am, so a early start on Sunday but loads of fun, we had lunch out in a local Harvester, I don't think I will be going back, I'm not sure if I am just too fussy, I did not enjoy my meal, all 3 children ate theirs, so maybe they should have bonus points for that. A lazy evening watching Strickly on catch up and a early night.

Monday was very sunny, I did not get much done outside, the morning flew by, I did walk to the village and a quick tidy around the place, both cats are now sleeping back inside their igloo's, which means there aren't so many fur patches on the rug. Hubby was tired when he got home, so a lazy rest of the day.

Tuesday sign group meet over the road at my neighbours house, so a much shorter morning without traveling time, we popped into town in the afternoon, did not stay long, then restful time at home, hubby worked out how much top soil we require and booked a delivery. Today we have our covid jab in the morning, then it's see how we feel, another dry day, so hopefully we can do more outside. 


  1. Growing things is such a pleasure, no matter how big or small the plot.

  2. The book by Beth O'Leary sounds a good read.

    All the best Jan

  3. Your garden always looks lovely. It is time here to start emptying all the pots and baskets. I did bring the lemon trees in for the winter though.

    God bless.



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