Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Working with wood

1st attempt at woodwork, 
In truth the design was made on the computer 
and the cutting machine did most of the work.
I painted the letters so they stand out. I also uses different types of sanders to ensure it finished off nicely. I love the block of wood, the imperfections add to the design. 
 This was much better, using a paper template I used a bandsaw to cut this lovely hedgehog out. It's not completely the same as the template.
 I then did a Pyrography class (burning onto wood) and completed the sign.
 I loved the choices from the wood piles.
I also brought this bird box home to decorate and hang outside.
My 2nd attempt at Enameling
These are charms for my cross stitching
I last did this about 5 years ago. 
 Raw materials, glass of all sizes (all being really small)
and the copper base plates. 
All the above classes I did with my sister, whilst our other half's were playing golf, each class lasting about 2 hours, but we had use of the finishing rooms to complete everything. I really enjoyed doing the woodwork, the bandsaw was much easier than expected, some of the designs were very complicated, the hardest being where straight and curved lines which had to be cut true.  It's not a hobby I would want to take up, but it was fun to try. Both my signs are for the bottom of our garden, once they have been varnished.
I also did a water colours class, which I found very informative, giving me enough information and confidence for me to have a go, I won't share my results, as they are not the sum of my learning, just my poor attempt at art.
We also had loads of lovely walks around the site, set in the heart of Devon, very near Okehampton. We did not leave the complex, shopping and site seeing was not on our list of things to do.
The previous weekend with my Brother in Somerset, was fun, we had a lovely meal out, and spent Saturday afternoon, sat in the sunshine in a local beer garden.
I have checked my greenhouse and all is well, the capillary mat worked very well, I have plants outside this afternoon, starting to harden them off for redoing my pots around the house.


  1. Wonderful Marlene, you've made some lovely things.

  2. It sounds like you had a great time and learnt some wonderful new skills, I do love those signs.

  3. Fantastic its great to try out new things, I love taster sessions, your makes are fab :-)

  4. Lovely woodburning there! I like all the different things you did.

  5. What a lovely way to spend a couple of days. I like your enamels very much. Jx

  6. How great to have tasters of such different crafts, lovely.

  7. Oooo that looks like so much fun 😀

  8. Wonderful crafts you have tried, great things you created.

  9. You are very clever with your hands xxx



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