Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Grow, green leaves

Cucumber are forming and growing quickly
 My raised bed, salad leaves showing through, I do have other stuff sown here.
I am using my plastic panels to cover the raised bed, 
I need a wire door to stop cats coming in for now this does the job
 4 different chillie/pepper plants, all doing well
 Orchids look much better, 7 pots here
Fuchsia are potted on, soon they can go out in front garden.
 Bathroom window sill, looking pretty
 Sad lime plant, I left it outside and the leaves fell off
I have re-potted it in citrus compost, just a couple of good leaves
this is in my office, so I can keep an eye on it.  
I have mice, I've stitched half of these
they are cute and fun. 
I finished my book, it was OK, I have another to read, between the garden and reading my craft time has shrunk. The July section of Joyful world has been published, I have not as yet stitched June, I'm not worried to get a bit behind. I have plenty of fun with the hobbies I have. We are not watching TV, football does not interest either of us, so peaceful evenings where we read are blissful, plus loads of birds and wild life in the garden. I was worried putting up the greenhouse would scare off the birds, blocking their route to the feeders, but we still have as many visits as before. Plus our hedgehog is still popping in to see us.
Grace had a blood test on Monday at the vets, they were worried she has lost a bit of weight, and at 12 years old they were expecting her to have problems, I am so please all the results came back good, the vets tested her for everything. We have a different food for her to snack on, to see if it helps with her weight, but she is a small cat.
Work is good, busy, but we are getting things done, it feels like normal time again and not so hectic. They are employing more people which is a sign of a healthy company.
It's a sunny evening, so we are popping out, after the dull day it's nice to see blue skies and better to be outside.


  1. Your greenhouse has been put to good use straight away. Glad to hear that all's well with Grace, we do worry about our furry friends, don't we?

  2. The veggies in the green house are really looking good. I hope your evening is delightful. We are really cold today. It snowed on Mt. Rainier!!

  3. Hello Mrs, I'm finally here catching up with you, but reading backwards! Your plants look so healthy -apart from the lime! I love those meeces to pieces!

  4. Glad that Grace is OK. All of the time you have spent working so hard in the garden has definitely paid off, everything looks wonderful!

  5. I love your mouse fabric, sooo cute.

  6. So good when everything is running smoothly. Let's hope it lasts. What's the flowering plant on your bathroom windowsill. It's beautiful.

  7. So much growing. I love this time of year watching it all. Hoping my potatoes will be ready soon. Glad Grace is ok. And you weren't joking about mice there are hundreds of them x

  8. It is great to find someone else who is NOT interested in the football! yah! The mice are wonderful too.

  9. Your new greenhouse is filling up nicely.



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