Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 6 July 2013

Over the fence

 This rose is in Win's garden, stunning I see it every time I walk down my drive, Win loves her garden and grows all her bedding plants from seed, at 96ish that's not bad going and her gardens are the best in the street.
 Over the back fence, our neighbour has a kiwi tree, this is the blossom, so very pretty.
 This year I intend to harvest some kiwis, the ones hanging inside our garden and see if I can ripen them, they start falling off the tree in December, but are rock hard, but I have seen on the net various ways store and ripen them. Every year nothing is done with the tree's this part of their garden is left to go wild.
 Also over our back fence, behind our garage is this tree, the bees love it, I don't know what it is called.
 Strawberries and raspberries are ready for a raid from Josh and Sammy
 In my green house all the plants are coming along well, this very hot week has helped, 1st cucumber is forming along with peppers and tomatoes.
 Our magnolia tree gives me two main task each year with picking up the large petals and leaves, but now is the time it throws down it's seeds, and they are big, each over 2" long, I pick them up each morning, below is today's bunch.
I have done no sewing, it's just too hot and the tennis has been so exciting, I spent all afternoon and evening yesterday, glued to the TV, both "gentleman's" semi finals were really gripping and it was a shame to have two losers, the tennis was just brilliant. We have popped into town this morning to get our shopping and now home for the afternoon, ladies final, then later to a BBQ. Tomorrow men's final, so another afternoon at home, and later out on the bike.
Don't you just love summer 

1 comment:

  1. Win must be a very wonderful lady, well done to her for being so able in the garden.



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