Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday 13 July 2013

A hint of a stitch

 I have almost finished my red door, I will do some back stitch, this is for a card, a friend is moving. Below I want to do this pattern in cross stitch rather than long stitch, I will use shades of purples, fingers crossed it will work. I have done nothing on Winter Watergarden, and again I have packed it away.
 Last night after work we went for a walk, along the sea line to Portchester Castle, this is a favourite walk of ours, the sun set was lovely, as it dropped down below the tree's it created a great photo.
 The tide was out as far as it could go, I do love to see boats stranded on the mud, and in the back ground is The Spinker Tower, and the Naval docks. I really am enjoying getting home by 4.15pm, those couple of extra hours allow us to do so much more.
Today Kev has done a bit more work, where he has removed the decking, and I have done all the house work, it is now a bit to hot to work outside, so I am going to sew and later a BBQ at our daughter's house.

My first week at work  went so very well, the role is not hard, it is more about checking all the details and courses have been done, I really hope I have found the place I can work and be happy.

Tomorrow, I want to potter in the garden for a while and then we will go out on the bike, later I hope to get my sewing machine out. So a nice gentle weekend, the weather is perfect. Grace is over her trip to the vet, she had three teeth removed, and is eating better.


  1. As always love your sewing. There's nothing nicer than a walk n the late evening during this weather. Hope you enjoyed your barbq. Glad you're enjoying work :)

  2. Red door is a lovely project. Such lovely pics, what a nice place you live.



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