Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Getting closer

 The post man came this week, and Kev received the following box, we both loved the name on the front, I love all things wood, and the feel of this box is beautiful.
Inside are two very nice bottles of wine, a thank you to him for his help through out the year, Kev is looking forward to the wine, I will also enjoy it, but the box is on my mind, what to do with it, it's not the right height for my dolls house, but I will see if I can use it, if not the most perfect storage box,

 Our spare bedroom is still a tip, loads of presents have been sent on their way, and we have more to hand out tonight, soon this room will be ours again.
 We have two chocolate logs this year, the back one we are taking to our daughter on Christmas day, it was brought from a local baker, the front one is ours from Marks and Spencer's, I have one every year.
 I changed our table decoration, the first one I made had loads of candles, and greenery, but as I like to light the candle it did not feel safe, so I have made this one, the candle now sits higher than the stuff around it. I am very pagan with my Christmas, loads of holly, ivy all around my house, all of it silk and very realistic looking.


  1. Lovely box. I'm like that, never mind the contents, what can I do with the box?
    And the chocolate logs look beautiful.
    I've got it into my head that I want a gingerbread house this year, and I can't find one anywhere!

  2. I have never heard, until Iresad one of your blog posts, that it was pagan to decorate with holly, ivy, candles, etc. That is a very common tradition here in the US.

    But, then again, the tradions in the US are such a conglomeration of all European traditions . . with the Mexican Poinsettia thrown in for good measure.

    LOOVE reading about your family . . and thanks for posting pictures so everyone comes to life.



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