Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday, 14 February 2025

Must be love

It's Valentines day, we are using our cards for the 5th year, hubby is happy these days to reuse cards to each other, he hated doing it at the start. We don't get gifts or over priced flowers and we don't go out. He has planned a nice meal for tonight thanks to a great meal deal at Tesco.

 Lilly is becoming a much bigger and braver cat, she has her moments where she hares around the house, she also has a love for my houseplants, she attacked my air plant one night, I managed to find it, it will recover from all the lower leaves being chewed off, for now I have moved it to a safe location, this is recovery row along with my spider plant and babies. 

My Christmas cactus is flowering again, I only ever water this plant, it loves the spot in the bathroom, nice to see pretty blooms on dull days.

We not seen daughter, her car has been playing up, it's settled now, problems started after she filled up, we think maybe something to do with that, she did not use her local garage. Wednesday evening I helped with bath and bed time for the two youngest, mummy went to Will's parent/teacher meeting, mostly good news, he is inclined to interact with those who disturb the class, he does not start anything, but stops and laughs at them, also he is slow on his maths, he can do it, just needs more encouragement to be confident, his teacher is going to find some pages for him to try at home.

I managed to give our bedroom and shower room and the downstairs bathroom a good clean this week, no where is dirty, but I have been avoiding corners for a while, I plan to do the kitchen next. 

Our car had it's MOT on Thursday, sailed through, we just needed two new tyres, we spent most of the day in town, we had lunch out and had homemade tomato soup later at home. 

Today we are meeting daughter and Will (inset day) to have coffee and cake at Dunelm, then into B&M for cat food. B&Q is close by, I would like to pop in there as well. It's just above freezing here this morning, very grey and very windy again. 

This weekend I hope to be in the garden, first real time this year, I want to cut dead bits back as the bulbs are coming through, I have bits to do in the greenhouse, and a general tidy up, I am still not going to start any seeds yet, I will put an order in for our local garden centre, they will deliver bags of compost, stone and other bits on a Friday night, I need fine seedling compost.


  1. Snap! My Christmas cactus has decided to flower now! It gave me quite a surprise a few days ago! The colours are similar to yours and very cheery! 😁

  2. Apparently if we look after the corners the rest of the room takes care of itself!

  3. I try to buy the best compost I can afford. The cheap stuff is a waste of money.

    1. I'm the same, refuse to get any from B and Q or cheap supermarkets, false economy.

  4. I do make my own homemade compost but I like to buy good seed and potting compost. Lidl had a John Innes 3 loam based compost last year and it was excellent.

  5. The sun is shining today, rather hazily, but it's nice to see. Our cats have been mad recently. They had a big fight yesterday - fur all over the place. Today they're back to racing round the house.

  6. The weather in both our countries is crazy. Sure hope it changes very soon. I am glad the teacher is going to look up some pages for Will to work on at home. That will help with his confidence.

    God bless.

  7. Your Christmas Cactus looks lovely.

    Hope you enjoyed your Valentines Tesco Meal Deal, have a good weekend and hopefully a little time in the garden.

    All the best Jan

  8. A little bit of TLC and your plants should recover. It sounds like Lilly is growing in confidence :) X

  9. Reusing cards, clever idea. We stop doing cards long ago, maybe 20 ish years ago? Not sure. We've been married 52 years, so we're pretty comfortable with each other. We don't do gifts at Christmas either. We do like to have a nice meal and good bottle of wine. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

  10. Your plant recovery ward made me smile. I hope they are all doing well.
    I hope the extra worksheets that Will's teacher is finding for him with his maths will help his confidence in the subject.



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