Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday, 13 February 2014


I am so very pleased with this stitching
My photo shows the colours well
 It's a joy to stitch, did you notice the small diamond of blue, I will have something small stitched in blue in each of the 12 boxes. I am hoping by using three colours I can keep the the designers style, but whilst making it mine and hope it does not get boring to stitch.
 It's Valentine's day tomorrow, we always have a special evening, but I do not like to go out for a meal, sharing my special moment with loads of other people in a restaurant is not for me. So yesterday whilst we were shopping for our special meal, hubby spotted this, Aechmea Blue Rain, native of South America.
It's stunning, all I have to do is keep it alive.
We survived yesterdays storm, the wind was very strong, it was scary walking to my car after work, most of the dock yard was closed. Today we have had a couple of hail storms and sun shine in between.
Tonight and tomorrow morning we have another storm arriving, with another following on close by. In this week they are expecting a months rain. So many people flooded, last night loads were stranded, the railways were shut due to the weather. Many in Wales had no power, lines brought down by trees.
When is it going to end?
We are very lucky, living in the driest part of UK, our ground water levels were much lower, but now every where is so wet, my lawn squelches when I walk on it, and after the storms the water is taking longer to run away.
Pop below and read my Blog anniversary, I am having a give away, I will leave it open for another week.

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