Our shops are full of Union Jack items, and any thing retro

I am not normally a fan of retro items, but this cushion just called to me, it's not even my colours for the sitting room, and I had to do a deal with Kev, one new cushion in one old cushion out, which was not so bad, one of my cushions was looking jaded.

I have finished my 1st square for my sampler, and did aload of green stitching, I am mad, I have the frame for this piece and so I have set the size, but most of the contents I have to design, I have plans for the outside area's and will put an ABC in the centre, the rest is just a mixture of what I have in my head, and as you know that will change as I stitch, I have asked each of the family for two things which they think would describe them selves, Kev has gone for Guardsman and his motorbike. I'm not sure what I will have. I also want a stork under which I will sew the names, DOB, and weight of our grandsons. I also want Grace my cat on there.
So my head is spinning with idea's.

We have had a lady move close to us with loads of cats, we think as many as 8 or 9, which is a problem for Grace, she is a small cat and they are picking on her, Grace now does not go out much. The cats are always in my garden, I do chase them out, they are messing every where, I think I am going to have a word with there owner, but I am looking for ways to stop them digging. The birds and squirrels are not visiting so much, and I do miss them.

Su our daughter had good news this week, she has her new job, still within Estee-Lauder and her replacement starts on 31st January, so once she has trained her she will move to her new department, we are so pleased for her.
I have not seen Fliss, she is unwell and as I am not allowed to catch any germs I have not been to visit, I hope to be able to see her early next week.
We are hoping to have a walk around Portchest Castle this afternoon, and then later I hope to be able to sew, an almost perfect weekend.