Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Friday, 17 January 2025


Amaryllis time here again, this is the second bulb to bloom this season, I have a 3rd bulb already growing. 
I've started my sweet peas, I've not used the whole pack, just over half, the rest of the seeds can be used next spring. These soaked for one day, I then popped them on damp kitchen paper, they are on a sunny spot with the lid on to aid growth, once they start to shoot I will pop them in my long root growing containers.

 A very different tale, we all dream of winning the big one, how would you spend the money, would it change you, who you really are. A clever tale, a bit far fetched, but that's why we read non fiction, book 5 read this year.

I do like UK based police stories, it twisted and turned it's way to a conclusion, so many people who could be guilty. All through I had a slight feeling I had read this before, normally I remember quickly, it was the last chapter when I was sure, I checked and found it on my reading list for 2021, book 6 read this year.

I've twisted my back again, so I am am not doing much, it seams it takes less to bring back pain, which this time is taking longer to shift, Lilly is a lovely distraction, but I'm feeling a bit down, hopefully I can bring myself back up. I've not done any crafting, at some point I will get my yarn out and make something, I have plans to use my sewing machine, it will have to wait until my back is stronger. I am walking when I can and reading loads, we popped into the library, so I have plenty to read. 

We have tiny mice near our magnolia tree, they scurry under the bird feeders, we are both enjoying watch them run around, hubby scattered some seeds for them when feeding the birds, I love to see the mice, luckily we haven't seen any rats for ages, we have found a couple of small tunnels coming under our fence. I've not done anything in the garden for a couple of weeks, which is normal for me at this time of year, everywhere is looking tidy, I have things growing which do not require any input from me. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

What's new

 Another new author to me, I really enjoyed this plot, it started with someone running away from a dead body, it then restarted from the beginning, a family moving to a newer posher area, lives adjusting to their new status, then the murder happens. Good plot with a great twist at the end. Book 3 read this year. 

I've read this author before, another good book, do we and those around us forget our previous sins or do they make who we now become, a family story, with a couple of twist. Book 4 read this year.
We got our painted china from the café, I'm pleased with mine it is much better than I expected. The two blobs were Will and George's finger prints, the brown streaks are George's addition to my work. Sadly I'm no artist, I work much better with fabric and wool, art is not my strength. I did decide at home to add some transfers, which I think helps it.

We have not done much, just too cold, Friday and Saturday were days at home, with just a walk to the village, Saturday afternoon we sat an watched a beautiful heron perched on our neighbours summerhouse roof, it sat there for ages in the sunshine, I don't know of any ponds in local gardens, we didn't think it was hunting.

We got our new phones this week, you link them together and they automatically transfer all my data, except (there is always but) when we came to the verification code, it was set up to send the code to our land line number (which we don't have anymore) and no way for us to change it, we could only contact the help desk once we were past this point. Daughter came to the rescue again, not everything came over so once I finished the process, I paired my new phone with my tablet and sorted everything. We had a huge Sunday roast as a thank you, the children loved it as did we, sitting around our table, both Molly and George had seconds, it felt good to know daughter had a day without cooking, Lilly had loads of playtime, all three children love playing with her. 

Monday morning we popped to town, we sold our old phones which we did a factory reset, got a nice sum for them, we always go to CEX, they have always given us the best prices. I've change providers on my phone which is another saving, we had a coffee out, I also got two nice summer tops in the sales. Our car was in the local garage having the windscreen cleaner sorted, the pump was OK, the pipes had caused the issue.

Tuesday we had an exciting morning, a very young looking police officer knocked our door and asked to view our CCTV, an expensive new car was stolen last Sunday night just around the corner and he wanted to check to see if the vehicle they arrived in went past our house for registration plates, it was a long shot as there are more direct ways to get to the car, nothing found, but a bit of excitement on a boring morning. Daughter took George back to our local walk in centre, his school called and said he was struggling, the doctors have said nothing is broken or fractured, George played happily whilst waiting to see doctors and at home after, daughter is going to speak to school, we think school is either being too careful or George has another reason to cry.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Garden evolution.

We had no real garden when we moved here in 2009, decking was along the back of the house from one fence to the other, the lawn was dead and no flower beds at all. This post is just for me to show what we have done over the years, and how our garden became what it is today.

How we use are outside space has completely changed in the past 15 years, the garage access is no longer for a motorbike, since retirement we spend loads more time outside, it's a safe space, all on one level, lots of room to move about. The flower beds are very little work, just filling in any gaps, growing some bedding plants from seed. The veg beds are brilliant, gives the gardening I want and need, with small harvest as a bonus, having to work the soil through the year is good for me. 

Other than 2015 where I was showing the view with less decking, with grounds work being done, all my photo's were just the view from the patio doors, often without the huge decking area, which I considered my garden area, now our garden feels huge as we use all the space nearest to the house.

I did a post back in 2020, whilst in lockdown, I was bored with very little to post about, if you want to see more about our early garden, pop here. One year on from our refit, we are both so very happy with our outside space, our grandchildren have played outside whenever they could, even after rain, it all drains so well. 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Quiet week

 I had my first visit to my favourite garden centre this year, went with daughter and Molly, after coffee and cakes, we had a wander, still loads of Christmas stuff at reduced prices, which I'm not interested in. I did get one packet of seeds, I did say I would not bother with sweet-peas, but seeing so many people starting their seeds, I gave in and this mixed pack was purchased.

I've finished my second book, I have set myself a target to try new authors, this book I have seen recommended by a couple of people, it's not a style I would normally read, a good plot set in a small US town, a few twists which kept it interesting. I will read another book written by this author.

This little lady is turning my hubby into her slave, each morning she waits outside our bedroom door, to be let in our room, hubby pops her on our bed, never has a cat been allowed in bedrooms before. He has got her 4 new food dishes, finally the last dish she is happily using, plus loads of toys, and we are getting her Sheba brand of food. She does sit on my lap most evenings, she has settled in well, next week I will get an appointment for her to meet our vet.

Yesterday was terrible for daughter, school called, George had hurt his foot, so she collected him and took him to a walk in centre for an x-ray, which found he has bruising. When trying to get out the carpark she knocked a bollard and damaged her car. I got Will from school with Molly in the worst snowy rain storm, we all got soaked, Molly had a melt down when we got home, which did not help. 

We have been looking for new phones, after looking at contracts, we again have purchased new phones with separate sim only contracts, it's a huge upfront cost, but with better savings over the coming 24 months. We hope to be able to sell our old phones. We have also changed our broadband, we had been with 'ee' for a few years, they renewed our contract 18 months ago when we had them in to sort an issue, they did not tell us before or after, we only found out last year when we went to change providers. So I have been sorting my phone, swapping photo's onto my desktop and removing lots of things I no longer use, ready for the swap out.

Nothing much doing here, most days this week have been cold and dry, except yesterday, we are staying at home in the warm, ensuring Lilly has company through the day. This coming weekend will be the same, again hopefully dry, I hope to soak and start my sweet-peas. 


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