The decorations are packed away, I never wait until the 12th night, I always loved to have everywhere clear before I started back to work after the holiday period, it's a habit ingrained into me. We have no plans for New Years Eve, it's years since we have been out on that night, we will do our usual thing of staying awake until the fireworks on TV and locally.
Poppy Patchwork
My little bit of this big World
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Final post
Monday, 30 December 2024
December round up
December is always a low spend month on my crafting and garden, I have loads of seeds from my monthly subscription to Kitchen garden, so for now nothing is needed. I spent just under £400 on clothes and shoes this year, which is pleasing, in December I did get a new pair of ankle boots from Clarks outlet online store, just the style I wanted, heavily reduced, two pairs of trousers and a new jumper for Christmas day.
This is my yearly total, I did hope at the beginning of the year to keep my spend under £1000, which I failed, but we both get so much joy from our outdoor space, and enjoy my small harvest.
We ignored Black Friday (which last for weeks), no impulse purchases, no spending spree on our recent trip to London, no Boxing day sales, hubby has been sorting and removing some of his stuff from the house.
We had a few new white goods items for the kitchen and decorated loads of the house, we do have a few bits we want to change in the coming year.
My weight is a couple of pounds higher, something I can deal with in January, I have been over half a stone heaver at this point in the year twice, so I'm happy where I am.
I do consider we have had another good year, most of our spending is under control, and we are able to save.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
In between

Thursday, 26 December 2024
Our Christmas
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Christmas eve
George had great fun painting the dog money pot, which he chose himself, he used his brush and then the sponge, his design is mixed colours all of which he asked for, not my best pose, but George was having so much fun.
Monday, 23 December 2024
Pre Christmas weekend
I got myself a couple new books, I have already read the first Rob Rinder book, which I loved, so I'm looking forward to this title, I thought the title of this other book was a good enough reason to purchase it. I can read books through hubby's Kindle apt, but I do find them 'easy reads'.
I decided to get myself a new jumper for christmas day, we are at daughters all day, and her home is always warm, I'm not one to have bits of glittery stuff stuck on jumpers, I can't wear wool as I am allergic to lanolin, this one is acrylic.
Most everything is done, we got all we needed in Lidl's on Friday, no extras, the meat was a good price so we got a leg of lamb for Sunday lunch, plenty left over for another meal and some cold in sandwiches. It was busy but not mobbed, their Christmas shelves still had loads left, as did the centre isles. Rest of day relaxing, some reading time, and a bit if sewing. Our haberdashery shop recorded over £3,500 collected for charity from their window display, which is fantastic, it was their first year, great result.
Saturday we visited daughter and her three little ones, I took their furry sacks with me, I created their initial using felt and tartan ribbon, they were fiddly and don't look perfect, the children were happy to have them. Molly and George were both very excited, and loved seeing my brother, they played well, Will at 7 has grown up so much, a lovely few hours together.
Sunday I did a quick clean around the house and finished the cakes, we had a late lamb roast, it was blowing outside all day, bright and not too cold. I am enjoying my Christmas playlist which we created a few years ago on Alexa, my brother is not so keen, he preferrs 70's music, which we listen to for the other 11 months of the year.
This morning I am meeting daughter, Will and George, we are going to a cafe where you can paint pottery, Molly is at preschool, she mothers George, so it will be fun to watch the boys together. No plans for the afternoon, hubby is out, just my brother and myself.
Friday, 20 December 2024
Hubby found this set of 5 books on his Kindle list, set in London a DI in the MET, book 1 was an interesting plot, set around 5 ex firefighters, and a huge robbery where most of the cash was never recovered. It's a lighter read, but enjoyable, book 2 in the set, same people working from the same station, a very different clever plot, the whole set is much the same just different crimes, these are easy to read, no gore, the right amount of wrong turns, and very few clues. Books 81 to 86 read this year.
Whilst the above books were OK, this book was brilliant another clever plot, things people hide in plain sight, deceiving loved ones and harbouring hate in others. I never saw the conclusion of the missing person case coming, then a truly stunning twist to add to the story. Book 87 read this year.
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
This week
Sunday I marzipan the cakes, I'm really late this year, I had planned to do them last week, I also made holly wreaths for the top of two, my daughter prefers her left plain, the other smaller cake has thinner marzipan layer, my brother does not like it too thick, when did they all become so fussy. I will ice them on Friday and colour some icing red for berries.
Monday my brother arrived, he brought some sweet tree decorations, he made them with his 3D printer, he also brought a set for daughter and children's tree. Later I went to Will's school concert held at a local church, it was packed, loads of people, the children did well, but it was running very late daughter had to leave before the end to get George, so Will and I walked back to his house. Will had a reading which he did clearly, so proud of him.
Tuesday we went to pets at home to get bits for our kitten Lilly, ensuring she has the same food as daughter is feeding her, we also got a cat scratching post, it was expensive so a lovely young man at the till asked if we all had the apt, my brother did not so they signed him up, found loads of discounts and saved us almost £20, brilliant result. I'm not sure if we will bring Lilly home next week, both daughter and I think she should stay with her mum for a week or two more.
I managed an hour outside, finally cutting back the late raspberry canes, there were a few berries still growing, I also cut back plants growing over the edge of the flowerbeds, everywhere is looking tidy, I still need to change the water in our large dish, it has an oily skin on it where the wood pigeons bathe, we were going to pack it away, but the birds use it daily. A pile of leaves has been collected all from recent storms, all we do now is keep the feeders full and watch the birds, we are having a hawk visiting, it sits on our fence and watches next door bird table, it's after the small pigeons.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Thursday, 12 December 2024
From afar....
My nativity set is just 3 pieces, I always place them on my glass cabinet top, with my collection of trees, the set was a gift from our Spanish friends.
This snowman came from our trip America, which was back in 2003, he sits with our small collection of snowmen.
This Santa came from Germany, purchased way back in the 90's on a trip visiting my sister, I keep a small set of battery operated lights in him these days.
We had a December visit to The Gambia many years ago, as always I wanted something for my tree, the Christmas over there was nothing like ours, so I have this small wooden carved crocodile, he always sits on a branch in the tree.
As so many of my decorations are old, you see the same ones throughout my December post each year, this year I am trying to show different things, I don't bring back anything from trips away anymore, I have for years been clearing out the clutter, but I will add to the tree decorations, the above decorations have survive many culls because I do love them. I have said for years my tree is full of memories, my oldest decoration was purchased back in 70's.
I have loads of battery operated lights, small sets which work on a timer, I use them instead of tealights, they come on each day at 4pm and go off at 10pm, which saves me the tedious job off turning them off at night. I do love the scattering of soft lights around our room at this time of year.
I did stop and look at my decorations in the week, and wonder should I cull some of them, I have different displays for Santa, snowmen and tree's, chatting with hubby he said 'you love them, it's only for a few weeks' so they are staying. Hubby like alot of men would not bother with decorations, my brother has not had a tree as he is with us the week before Christmas, I only decorate the main room, with Santa's on our shelves in the hall and a couple of items on the kitchen window sill.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Back home
This is our haberdashery Christmas window, the ladies of the knitting group worked with Sarah the owner to create this unique display.
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
The guards Chapel, we missed the Carol service last year, when I was taken ill, hubby promised me we would go this year. Very highbrow, just wonderful, with guards band high up out of sight on the right, 6 personnel with herald trumpets, (the long horns for a fanfare) at the back and the choir, it was a good service in an historic building, I came away feeling very festive.
Monday, 9 December 2024
We are back in London