Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Wednesday 13 September 2023

Look both ways

 Soon I will be swapping sandals for trainers, always a sad day as I prefer to keep my toes out in the open, I will try to put off the day for as long as I can. Hubby will wear shorts for a couple of weeks longer than I, the season is changing. I do have warm home knitted socks and cardigans to wear.

I will miss all the summer colour from blooms in the garden, leaves on the trees, blue skies and all the wildlife which visits our garden, I do not have too many winter plants, I do love the shape of the bare trees, watching the birds hop through the branches to get to feeders. We feed birds all through the year, thus ensuring we have something to watch most days.

I am looking forward to homemade vegetable soups and rolls, always a winner here at lunchtime. We always eat healthy, but as autumn comes, our meals are simple and filling, less coffee and snacks outside, better for my waistband, the outside furniture will be packed away until warmer times return. Plenty of crafting and reading time ahead.

Can I mention the C word, I purchased a couple of books for Will this week, and a lovely doll for Molly, plus a few bits for the food parcels I am doing. We have a couple of trips away late November, early December, both will require more than normal spending money, so I am trying to get ahead of the game. I think daughter will say 'not another doll', but this is the first one we have purchased for Molly. Will loves all modern encyclopaedias, so both of these will be well read. I also got all the dried fruit for my 3 cakes, which I will bake next month.

The change of seasons doesn't happen on one day here, things filter through, small steps, change of routine, we are governed mainly by our weather, some years September is warm and sunny and it can be October before bigger changes are made. But the season will change, and I will learn to enjoy ours days as we change to the environment around us.

We have had landscapers in to view our new plans for the garden, as seen here, much earlier than expected, hubby took up some of the decking and found loads of signs of activity from rats, we can see they are coming in from next door. So he wants to get things done to stop any more issues before the colder weather stops ground work being done, we have two people we have used before and two others just to see what they say about my plans, what to use and the cost. 

Monday evening Molly was unwell, she has a water infection, again mummy called the doctors surgery, to be told we won't see your 2 year old child, take her to hospital, so I spent 4 hours babysitting the boys. It's crazy, lazy and dangerous, for doctors not to do their duty when their patients are young or old and sick, I'm not saying all doctors are this way, our local surgery is just brilliant, we both have booked our flu jabs, and are waiting to be called for covid jabs, always much earlier than our other surgery here in the village.  Both hubby and I are much better, still sniffing, the results being with the younger two, they love to share any germs. 


  1. What a lovely post - your garden looks lovely - I feel I have given up on mine a bit for this year. I thought I would have a clear two weeks since we got back home but that has been cut short now mum is to be sent home from the care home on Monday so another packing session and trip up North.
    As for the surgery telling your daughter to take a 2 year old with a water infection to A&E - I am speechless. If GP's are going to turn patients away then surely the NHS should be looking at setting up some kind of surgery at the hospital to filter out true accident and emergency cases in A&E. They are not coping as it is - my mum waited on the trolley for 5 hours before she could be seen by a doctor after her fall.
    That is a cute doll - I too am starting to think about Christmas - it feels early but I think it comes upon us so quickly I need to make a start.

  2. Looking forward is what keeps us going isn't it? If you don't look forward then its not worth getting up even if its just that first cup of coffee. Just love those blue sandals. Briony

  3. How exciting to have your plans realised soon.
    If a GP can't see a 2-year-old s/he shouldn't be a GP. I hope Molly is feeling better. I bet A&E departments curse some GPs.

  4. It does seem that as these September days are passing the shops are gearing up (quite speedily) for Christmas.

    I do hope Molly is feeling better.

    All the best Jan

  5. Just thinking I could wear Sandals today if I'd painted the nails! We are finally getting some spring weather. It will be great. when your garden is how you want it. It already looks a lovely.

  6. So awful the GP won’t see an infant. Going to hospital can be hours to wait and so much stress for the whole family. The NHS seems broken beyond repair. Your garden plans sound exciting. Your garden is always so pretty through the seasons.

  7. What a shock to hear that a GP won't see a 2 year old child who is unwell. Truly disgusting. I hope Molly is soon feeling better.
    How horrible to hear that rats are coming from next door into your garden. It needs nipping in the bud now. Our mole is driving us nuts. He's dug holes all around the perimeter of the garden as well as the lawn. I'm getting cross now ....
    I'm enjoying the cooler nights and mornings now as I love Autumn. LOVE the nail polish and sandals though :)

  8. Hello Marlene. I always enjoy seeing your garden and all the lovely things you grow. I can see why it is your place of tranquility and happiness. I look forward to seeing your new garden plans develop from paper to garden.
    I haven't started 'C' planning quite yet but I can feel it nibbling on the back of my ear!
    I am sorry to hear that the children have been ill and shocked at the lack of support from their own surgery. Hopefully they are feeling better now. I hope you are feeling better too.
    Your completed x stitch cushion is amazing. So much detail and colour. I love it.
    You have been busy over the Summer visiting places, learning new crafts, knitting rabbits and decorating in the house. Wow!
    Good to catch up with you.
    Beverley (formally meandmysmallcorner )

  9. It is definitely time to get warmer clothing out and be ready to as I say nest through the colder months.

    Your garden still looks wonderful.

    God bless.

  10. That's shocking refusing to see a child at the surgery, it's not right but is it even ethical? I was under the impression that if you had to visit A&E when your doctors surgery was open then the surgery was fined? Not sure where I heard that from and if they aren't fined they should be, A&E should be for when surgerys are closed if it can't wait and emergency's. Hope she is much better now.
    Lovely photo of the three of you, sounds like you had a lovely time.

  11. I agree that it is dangerous not to see a 2 year old with a water infection. My daughter ended up with a scarred kidney due to problems getting a water sample tested at her GP. It's not always easy for parents to get to the hospital if they have other children. Are they scared of misdiagnosing or something?



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