Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Thursday 7 September 2023

Back home

I recently read The Lies I tell, by Julie Clark, and found it a fantastic storyline, so I got a copy of her first novel, a very good story and well written again about two women who's path crosses, but sadly nowhere near as good as her second book, I did enjoy it, but the sparkle was missing. Book 27 read this year. 
It's September, so time for school photo's, here is Will on his first day in reception, and on Monday in year 2, his third school year start. Sadly hubby's daughter and son haven't sent photo's, I do love to look at their changes as they grow up. Will now looks just like his dad at that age, he is getting really tall, he is starting to call me little nan, won't be many years before that will be a fact. 
I am very frustrated with my cactus, the one in the blue pot is flowering again, I get flowers 2 or 3 times a year, it lives in our downstairs bathroom. The one in the gold pot lives in the kitchen, which is next to the bathroom, so they get the same amount of light and warmth, but the kitchen one has struggled, hubby did admit to watering a few times, so it has been over watered, I am leaving it and hoping it will come back again. 
I love begonia's and saw this plant in one of the houses at Kew, but on checking details once home, it need humidity, which I might struggle with, so for now I will pass. I do have an itch to grow some different things, hopefully once I get my veg beds next year, I can expand my green fingers. 
Being very naught, rather than finish a craft project, I have started a new one, this is for a gift, no reason, a just because I can gift, simple easy design, I did have to purchase the yarn for it, with all the balls of yarn, I did not have the colours I needed. 

 The lovely weather has come at a good time, Molly decided she does not want to wear nappies anymore, and is going great guns on her potty training, very few accidents, she is loving her new pants, sadly daughter is still struggling to get George to potty train, we are hoping he will digest what Molly is doing and start trying, at the moment he might sit on the potty once a day. 

We are having a lazy time, the heat is too much for me, plus I need some rest after all the exercise I got on Monday. We did pop to town on Wednesday, hubby wanted to return a pair of shorts, he thought they came from Millets, but they were not their brand, so I will have to try and mend them as he has no idea which shop sold them, we did not stay too long, just a quick flit in a couple of shops.

Today I'm going to a knit and natter group at our local shop, I will take the shawl as I don't need to refer to the pattern, rest of the day will be home hiding from the sun, it's got too much for me.


  1. This September heat is a real surprise that has turned me tanned and lazy, obviously neither of these situations will last long.

  2. I guess that author improved with her second book. Will looks so grown up. The heat here is too much for me as well, I doubt I'll be doing anything much today.

  3. I'm not a sun-worshipper either, so keep out of it. Luckily, our house is well insulated.

  4. I'm struggling in this heat too, so glad we haven't had it all Summer! Next week should be cooler, more like September.
    Love the annual school photo, neither of my girls have sent one this time, I'm sure they have taken one but forgot to share it.
    My smaller Christmas cactus flowered lovely last year, the big one hardly at all. I read that around September you shouldn't water them as much and move them to a cooler place. I think that's why my bigger one didn't flower much because I left it in the front sitting room, this time I'm moving it to the hall I think in the hope it will flower better this year.
    Enjoy knit and natter, I wish I could find one close to me but haven't come across one yet.

  5. Lovely photographs of Will ...

    Stay as cool as you can in these warm/hot temperatures.

    All the best Jan

  6. I am struggling to leave a comment using the drop down Google option. It can take six goes and then, as this time, I write one sentence and then it all disappears! Just commenting to say the photos of your grandson are lovely and a great way to record their school days. We are taking my granddaughter to school at the moment she won't do a full day until next week - I expect she will not be too pleased that granny won't be picking her up next week and taking her out for the afternoon and buying an ice cream!

  7. I am the same with regard to the sun. I stay well out of it when it's this hot. Will has grown up so much from the first photo. Your knit and natter group sounds like fun. Hope you have a lovely time. Your project looks beautiful. I'm sure it is a gift that will be gratefully received.



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